Showing posts with label Christ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christ. Show all posts

Easter Board Books Perfect Additions for Little Ones' Baskets


Disclosure: I was sent copies of these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Now that April has begun, Easter is just around the corner. This coming Sunday is Palm Sunday. Over the years I have struggled with what to put in the Easter basket. One of my favorite non-candy items is books. Today I am going to share two new board books with you that are perfect for those Easter baskets for kids whose age ranges from 1 to 4. The first is The Story of Easter by Patricia A. Pingry. 

Finding Oneself as the Pandemic is Hopefully Ending


Disclosure: I was sent copies of these books in exchange for honest reviews. All opinions are my own.

The last two years have been tough on everyone. Everyone I talk to seems to be struggling in some way or another. And it is not because they lost a loved one (though many have) or that they or a family member caught Covid (though many have). It is because we are all tired. Tired of masks. Tired of restrictions. But mostly tired of fighting. America seems more divided than ever. We were divided by politics and that division has grown. We have been divided by racism which is coming to a forefront. Now we are also divided about masks, vaccinations and more. If a person or company does not have the same beliefs, people are fighting, debating and at sometimes getting violent. Then add in that there is a shortage of workers. Everywhere seems to be hiring and they are operating understaffed. People's patience is not there, and they are being rude to the few people who do show up to serve us. It is such a mess. All of these things have gotten me feeling down and miserable. For 2022 I have picked positivity as my word of the year. Let's face it we all need more positivity in our lives (just not positive Covid tests).

Finding Strength Through God in the New Year


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Happy New Year! How is 2022 going for you? Do you make resolutions? Or choose a word for the year? My word for 2022 is positivity. One resolution that is common is working on your spirituality and relationship with God. Today's book will help you find strength through God. It is by New York Times Bestseller Joyce Meyer and is called Strength for Each Day

The Giving Manger -- the Perfect Family Activity/Gift for Advent Bringing Christ into Your Holiday Season


Disclosure: I was sent this product in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

One of my goals this November is to share  amazing Christmas products, so you will have time to purchase them to enjoy during the season. Today I begin my reviews with The Giving Manger by Allison Hottinger and Lisa Kalberer.

Printable DIY Advent Calendars and Week 1--Hope


Today is the first Sunday of Advent. Advent is always my favorite time of the year. I love the preparation building up to Christmas. It always seems like such a happy time to me. The lights are hung and trees get decorated. People seem a bit more bright and giving. This year even Advent is looking different. We are not physically in church yet, so there isn't the beautiful organ music of Advent songs. But even with Covid the meaning of Advent and Christmas remains. Jesus was born to save us from our sins. To celebrate Advent I created three printable "Advent Calendars". Now we have a beautiful wooden Advent calendar that I need to fill each year. I decided to use one of these in our Advent calendar and one in her lunch box (at least the days she will be in school). The first ones I have to share are the names of Jesus. I made two versions. The first is a small and plain one with the different names in different colors and fonts. 

An Easy DIY Magnetic Advent Calendar

Awhile ago I was checking out what new Christmas products Oriental Trading has as well as doing some research for birthday party themes. I came across this Advent calendar and it inspired today's craft. I used one of those small white boards but make sure it is magnetic. I bought one at Staples because there were not any magnetic ones in stock at the time at Five Below. The Dollar Tree didn't have any magnetic ones that I could find. This one came with a white magnet so I knew it was magnetic. I also used washi tape, permanent markers, ribbon, a small magnet, and miniature ornaments (that I bought ages ago). I

Origami Bible Stories for Kids Kit -- a Crafty Weekends Review & Link Party

Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this kit in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Well school has started here and Mother Nature has turned the switch to fall weather. But after a few weeks off from Crafty Weekends we are back!! Today I am sharing a fun origami kit perfect for Sunday School and Bible lessons for kids. It is Origami Bible Stories for Kids Kit by Andrew Dewar. 

Jesus Calling for Teens: 50 Devotions for Busy Days Review

Disclosure: We were sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

My life has been a bit busy lately. Has yours? I find May always is a bit busy. There is the rush after Easter and our April school vacation week because the end is near. The days and weekends seem full of birthday parties, confirmations, first communions, graduations, award ceremonies, the list goes on and on. Today I am sharing a book perfect for busy teens. It is Jesus Calling for Teens: 50 Devotions for Busy Days by Sarah Young. 

Christian Reviews -- Lent Alzheimer and Tweens & Teens

Disclosure: I was sent a copy of each of these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. 

It is hard to believe that Ash Wednesday is this week!! Every year I try to find ways to prepare myself and my family for Easter and one thing I enjoy is having some devotional to help me become more focused on Jesus and the true meaning behind the amazing holiday of Easter. This year I found an amazing small devotional. It is The Easter Code by O.S. Hawkins. 

Keeping the Meaning of Christmas in Your Family's Life during the Crazy Holiday Season

Disclosure: I was sent a copy of these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. 

Every holiday season I look for resources to help my family keep Jesus in the front of our minds. This year I found two books--one for me and one for Hazel (and possibly the whole family) to read together. Both are from Sarah Young's Jesus Calling series. I am sharing them nice and early so you can get a copy for yourself and your family and experience Jesus during the crazy season. The one for children is Jesus Calling The Story of Christmas

Books to Find Calm and Peace in our Crazy World -- Mommy Time Review

Disclosure: I was sent these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

My focus this year is on taking care of myself. I need to lose weight to be healthier. I want to take the time I need to connect with God. I need to focus on my needs and not always on my family's because that is the only way I will successfully take care of their needs. Today I am going to share with you two amazing book that help me meet these goals. They are life changing!! The first book is Hello Mornings by Kat Lee. 

God's Work with Ministries and Books

Disclosure: BookLook sent me these books in exchange for honest reviews. All opinions are my own.

My main thoughts for 2018 is to take care of me. I want to find the time to exercise and to get myself healthy and fit as well as find time to connect with God each day. Today I am going to share some of our new endeavors and two great books to help me and Hazel with connecting with God. The other week I was at Hazel's school's chapel service and the principal shared one of the student's own ministries. She collects money to buy items homeless people would need. She packages them in a plastic bag and keeps them in her parents' cars so if they see someone begging on the street they can give them a bag. Hazel loved this idea and so did I. I always feel bad about not giving to them, but I also have heard not to because they buy drugs or some actually make more money then most of us just by begging. So Hazel and I went to Target and the Dollar Tree and bought some items and gallon bags.

Gifts for Jesus -- a Sunday School Craft & More -- Crafty Weekends Link Party

Yesterday was Epiphany. In Hispanic countries it is known as el Dia de los Reyes (Three King's Day). This is the day when the three kings visit and bring presents to the children in these countries. In Sunday School this morning we told the Godly Play story of the Mystery of Christmas which goes through the story from Gabriel coming to Mary to the escape to Egypt and beyond. This year I have been finding crafts that tie into the story to give the kids' work time a bit more focus. I came up with a fun craft for the older students and wanted to share it with you. I also thought I would give some background. 

Spiritual Growth for Kids -- New Year Resolution #1

Disclosure: I was sent these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

It is hard to believe another year has begun. Hazel turned nine this past weekend and we had two very fun parties to celebrate. It has been a busy time in our house. However now the festivities are over and I am beginning to think about what I want 2018 to be like for me and my family. Have you thought about your new year? I know I want to focus on me and my family this year. I want to take the time to grow in my relationship with God and get myself healthier and more fit. I also want  to grow in my relationships with Steven and Hazel. And I want to help Hazel grow in her relationship with God. To this end I am sharing with you two great books to help her do just that. The first is Jesus Always: 365 Devotions for Kids by Sarah Young and adapted by Tama Fortner. 

An Advent Table to Help Focus Us on Christ This Season

Every Christmas I see all the commercialism around. I mean Hallmark begins putting out ornaments in July. It is a bit crazy. I always like to create ways to keep our focus on the religious side of the holiday. After all we are celebrating the coming of Jesus, our Savior. Over the years we have gathered some great resources. One of our favorites are the four family storybooks for Advent we have reviewed (Jotham, Tabitha, Bartholomew and Ishtar). Each of these stories tell the nativity story from kids point of view. One is a shepherd and another is the son of one of the magi and so forth. The stories intertwine with each other and make the Advent stories quite an adventure. Hazel loves to reread them each year.

Telling Little Kids about Jesus with Fun Products

Disclosure: Let the Little Children Come sent me these products in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. 

Last month we shared we shared a fun Halloween tract to teach kids about Our Savior Jesus Christ and how amazing He is. Today I am sharing with you several fun products that can be used any time of the year. They are all somewhat similar but would work for different situations as well as for different ages. In all  of the products the colors have meanings. We will start with the Gospel Magic Bag.

Autumn Pumpkin Crafts & More -- a Crafty Weekends Review & Link Party

Disclosure: Oriental Trading sent me these products in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Can you believe August is almost over and schools are starting up? Where did the summer go? To kick into the fall season, we are sharing some pumpkin themed crafts and products. And just in case you want to really skip ahead be sure to check out our Christmas card post yesterday! I know crafters will understand the need to start those crafts early!! We decided to focus our posts around pumpkins since they work for fall as well as Halloween and Thanksgiving. We have had a lot of fun with pumpkin crafts and with pumpkins. Last year I shared a tutorial to make a fabric pumpkin. I used this pumpkin in several of my pictures. We will start with our DIY Door Pumpkin