Showing posts with label Native American. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Native American. Show all posts

Books Sharing the History of Mexican Americans and Life in Border Towns


Disclosure: I was sent copies of these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. 

Schools are starting back which means September is almost here. Hispanic Heritage Month begins September 15th and today I am sharing two books that are perfect for it. One is for middle grades (10-14-year-olds) about the history of Mexican Americans (released last week), and the other is an autobiography for young adults. Obviously, both are nonfiction. We will start with the book for the middle grades. It is a book from the Race to the Truth Series. It is Borderlands and the Mexican American Story by David Dorado Romo. 

Wrath of the Rain God -- Legendarios Book 1


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Looking for a way to add some more culture to your child's reading? Today I get to share a great new middle grades novel that introduces Mexican mythology. The book is the first in the Legendarios series. The book is Wrath of the Rain God by Karla Arenas Valenti and illustrated by Vanessa Morales. It is recommended for ages 7 to 10. 

Too Much: My Great Big Native Family -- Book Review


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Today I get to share with you a new picture book about a Native American family and it is written and illustrated by Native Americans. The book was released this week!! The book is Too Much: My Great Big Native Family by Laurel Goodluck and illustrated by Bridget George. It is recommended for ages 4 to 8.

Books about Winter Climate Animals


Disclosure: I was sent copies of these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Winter begins in a few days. Of course, in New England we feel like it has been winter for a while. However, I often think of winter books in January. Today I am sharing two new books--a board book and a nonfiction book about animals in the winter. The board book is Whose Prints? by Kari Allen and illustrated by Kim Smith. It is suggested for preschool and up. 

Eagle Drums -- New Middle Grade Native American Novel


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

November is Native American Heritage Month. This year I have not done as much as I normally do for November. We shared a Native American picture book about protecting our water earlier this month. Today I am sharing a middle grades novel that is also written by a Native American. It shares a bit of folklore and myth about the origin of the Messenger's Feast. It is called Eagle Drums by Nasuġraq Rainey Hopson. The suggested reading age is 8 to 12. 

Autumn Peltier, Water Warrior -- Book Review & Fun Facts About Water


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Water is essential to life for humans and all living things. Yet the water on Earth is mostly salt water and otherwise undrinkable. Humans have been using the water at record levels as well as polluting the clean water to make it undrinkable. A group of indigenous people are working to protect the water. We shared a book about them a few years ago for Earth Day. Today we are sharing a book about one (well kind of two) of these amazing women. The book is Autumn Peltier, Water Warrior by Carole Lindstrom and illustrated by Bridget George. It is recommended for ages 4 to 9. To go with this book, I am sharing some fun facts about water to show why we all need to be water warriors as well as some ideas for activities to go with the book.

Keepunumuk -- New Picture Book Written by Native Americans Sharing the Story of the First Thanksgiving


Disclosure: I was sent a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

It is hard to believe November is almost over and harder for me to believe that I have not shared any resources for Native American Heritage Month. It is one of my favorite heritage months! Although I do share various Native American books throughout the year, I almost always have something new for November! Today I get to share with you a wonderful new picture book written by Native Americans or First Peoples that share a Native American story of the first Thanksgiving based on stories from the Wampanoag. The book is Keepunumuk: Weeâchumun's Thanksgiving Story by Danielle Greendeer, Anthony Perry and Alexis Bunten and illustrated by Garry Meeches Sr. It is recommended for ages 3 to 7.

The Second Chance of Benjamin Waterfalls -- a new Native American themed middle school novel

Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Today I get to share a new middle school novel with Native American characters--Ojibwe to be exact and written by someone of Ojibwe descent. It is about finding oneself after you have hit rock bottom. It is The Second Chance of Benjamin Waterfalls by James Bird. It is recommended for ages 10 to 14.

Awashonks -- Chief Leader of Sakonnet Tribe


It is hard to believe that March is almost over so today will be our last edition of our Women's History Month series for this year. Today I am going to feature a Native American leader that goes back to colonial time. Her name is Awashonks. This was her name when she became leader, but we do not know what her name was before that. Awashonks means "she who is queen." We do not know much about her life prior to 1671. It is estimated that she was born in 1640 and other records say she was born in 1620 after the Mayflower landed in Plymouth. She was the daughter of Corbitant, the sachem in 1620. Her name however appears in the records more than any other indigenous female. 

Mary Edmonia (Wildfire) Lewis -- the First Person of Color to Be a Famous Sculptor


Today we continue our celebration of Women's History Month by learning about the first person of color who became famous as a sculptor. Besides being a famous artist, she also had a very interesting life story and background. Throughout her life she dealt with racism and sexism. She was orphaned at a young age. She was biracial--Black and Native American. Her name is Edmonia Lewis or Mary Edmonia Lewis or Wildfire. 

Te Ata: Chickasaw Storyteller, Performer & Educator --Women's History Month


Today I am going to share about Te Ata or Mary Frances Thompson Fisher. What an amazing woman who I hadn't heard of until recently. She was a Chickasaw and became a world-renowned storyteller, performer, and educator. At a time when the non-native people saw Native Americans as savages, warriors, etc. (mostly from Wild West Shows and films), she became dedicated to share more of the Native American culture and educate the nation. 

Fry Bread -- Book Review & More


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Today we are going to explore Native American fry bread and share a picture book about it. Fry bread is a bit controversial in the Native American society. Some love it and others hate it due to its history. When Native Americans were forced away from their ancestral lands, they took everything they owned and could carry and walked to new lands which were nothing like their original homelands. One such "walk" is known as the Trail of Tears. Thousands of people died on the long walk. After this displacement, some of which is still occurring, the Native people could not live the way they always had. They could not get the food they knew or even grow the food they usually grew. The United States Government subsidized some basic foods and it is said the Navajos were the first to create fry bread with flour, baking powder, salt and water. 

Spirit of the Indian Warrior -- Fascinating Look at the Native American Warrior


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Today I turn our focus back to Native American Heritage Month. I'm sharing a book that gives us a look at the true spirit of the warriors with quotes, photographs, and artwork. The book is Spirit of Indian Warrior edited by Michael Oren Fitzgerald and Joseph A. Fitzgerald. 

The Brave -- a Native American Novel with a special look at life's problems


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

We are continuing our celebration of Native American Heritage Month with a middle grades novel today. This novel delves into Native American life but it also has important messages for everyone to learn. It is such an interesting story and has fascinating characters. The book is The Brave by James Bird. 

Protest! --Book Review and sharing about some of the Native American protests in the book


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Protest! What comes to mind when you hear the word? There have been so many protests throughout history and many in recent times even during the world pandemic. Some protests are peaceful and some are not, but today's book will focus on peaceful ones. The book is Protest! How People Have Come Together to Change the World by Alice and Emily Haworth-Booth. This book is recommended for ages 8 to 12.

Notable Native American Posters & More!


November is always an interesting month for me. Halloween is over and fall is winding down. It is a month of thankfulness and Native American themes. Of course, I feel all year should be full of thankfulness and Native American themes, but that is a different topic. In November we also prepare for the gift giving holiday season, whatever ones you celebrate. In my house we also begin to prepare for a birthday party and this year she is turning 13--officially a teenager! So this month will be full of posts having to do with Native American themes (like this one), preparing for the holidays (including my holiday gift suggestion list) and of course holiday (including Thanksgiving) crafts and more. Stay tuned for some Native American and Christmas book reviews as well!

The Formation of the Iroquois League


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Do you know what the oldest living participatory democracy on earth is? It is the Iroquois League or Iroquois Confederacy. It was formed in 1142 and some of our Founding Fathers like Benjamin Franklin actually learned from them and used ideas of their set up when forming the United States. They even have a constitution that was recorded and kept alive on a wampum belt.  (Source) Today I am going to share a new picture book that shares the story of the formation of the Iroquois League. It is written for ages 10-14, so it is not your typical picture book. The author and illustrator are both Native American. The book is A Peacemaker for Warring Nations: The Founding of the Iroquois League by Joseph Bruchac and illustrated by David Kanietakeron Fadden. 

Firekeeper's Daughter -- Powerful YA Novel with Native American Ties


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

It is hard to find a contemporary story with strong Native American people in it. It is even harder to find a good one written by a Native American. Today I am sharing a powerful young adult novel that is just that. This book is definitely for young adults and older. There is sex, rape, drugs, violence, and swearing in it. However I found the story to be fascinating and learned some things about Native American life today that I did not know. The book is Firekeeper's Daughter by Angeline Boulley. 

Women in Wars -- Introduction-- Women's History Month


As I thought about Women's History Month I knew I wanted to really touch on women in history that may be forgotten. Today women are members of the Armed Forces, but not that long ago they were not allowed. I decided I would focus on women who played important roles in wars. This month I will share about women in the Revolutionary War, Civil War, and the two World Wars. Today I thought I would start with some women who fought wars before America was a country. I have focused on the legend of Mulan in the past. She is one of the women who reportedly disguised herself as a man to fight in a war. Then there was the Greek goddess, Athena, who was the goddess of war, as well as the Amazons, the race of women warriors in Greek mythology. Even the Aztecs had a warrior goddess, Itzpapalotl. Then we know of Joan of Arc and how she led the French army through battles. And we shared about Artemisia in the past. Today let's talk about some of the other women you may not have heard about that fought in real wars and battles. As I started researching women in wars I found The Book of Heroines: Tales of History's Gutsiest Gals by Stephanie Warren Drimmer. All of the women, goddesses and legends mentioned in this post are featured in this book. This book is one of the sources for my entire post. I will list others that I used to find out more about the women and share books for kids when possible. (Note: I have not checked out these books but found them searching my local library website and Amazon.)

One Real American: The Life of Ely S Parker, Seneca Sachem and Civil War General


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Who do you remember from the Civil War history you learned about in school? You probably remember Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee. You probably know a out Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. And of course President Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. But did you know Native Americans fought in the Civil War on both sides? Have you heard of Ely S. Parker? I know I hadn't until I read today's book which is so fascinating. The book is One Real American: The Real Life of Ely S. Parker Seneca Sachem and Civil War General by Joseph Bruchac.