Disclosure: I was given a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. Some of the links in this post will give me a small percentage of anything purchased through them at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting Crafty Moms Share!Who are your favorite authors? Do you have a favorite book series? I have a few but the truth is I don't always pick up my favorite reads since I'm so busy reading children's books. I want to get back to my favorites. I was sad to hear my favorite author, Mary Higgins Clark, passed away in 2020. I use to read her books as soon as they came out but stopped doing that when I became a mom. I didn't have the time to always read as much as I use to and I tend to get into her books and not be able to put them down and stay up half the night to finish. I can't exactly do that anymore. I also love Jennifer Chiaverini. I fell in love with her Elm Creek Quilters series. It tied my love of reading with my love for quilting. I will admit as I spent time remembering the book from which today's quilting book is inspired, I saw she has written more books in the series than I have read. I have some reading to do for me. She also has historical novels. Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker was very popular when it first came out. Today's book however is about making the sampler quilt that is discovered in the ninth novel of Elm Creek Quilters, Circle of Quilters, by Maggie Flynn. Maggie finds an old quilt at a yard sale and is able to purchase it for $5. As she begins to research the quilt she discovers the story behind it. Today's book helps you make a replica of the quilt which Maggie does in the book herself so she can return the quilt to the descendants of the quilter.

Today's book is Harriet's Journey from Elm Creek Quilts by Jennifer Chiaverini. Maggie found this beautiful sampler that had embroidered on it "Harriet Findley Birch. Lowell, Mass. to Salem Ore. 1854." She wants to find out about Harriet and her life and researches her. The quilt itself is 100 six-inch blocks in colors of the time. Of course the quilt is filthy when she purchases it and needs to be cared for but she is able to do this. Since her journey takes her to find Harriet's descendants she realizes she needs to give them the quilt but wants to keep a replica of it for herself. She makes the replica and now you can too with today's book.
The book shares a bit of the story of Maggie and the quilt in case the reader has not read
Circle of Quilters. Then it has the 100 blocks and instructions on how to make each one. Jennifer even codes the block so the reader can put the blocks in the order of the "original" quilt. The code is easy to understand--a letter for the row and number for the column. After the block instructions there are general instructions for sashing and quilt assembly. Then there is a gallery of quilts made by different quilters using these blocks.
The one above was done as a Christmas quilt. The one below only uses a few of the squares. As you can see the patterns can be used however the quilter wants to use them and it does not need to be a replica of the original quilt. The blocks are traditional blocks from the time period of the 1850's. They are beautiful blocks and can give a quilter some basics to work with and create their own masterpiece. I hope you will check out this fun book (as well as Jennifer Chiaverini's novels) and her other quilt books to go with the novels. Plus share with me your favorite authors and book series. I am hoping to take more time for myself and doing some self care during these crazy times.