The Paper Princess by Elisa Kleven is about a princess a little girl made on paper and while trying to decide what hair to give her, she blows away. The story is about the adventures of the princess as she tries to find hair and get back to her little girl. I haven't done it yet, but a great craft would be to make a paper princess. Hazel is not old enough to really draw it herself and cut it out, but she could decorate it.
The Umbrella by Ingrid and Dieter Schubert is a wonderful book without words. It starts on the inside cover and ends on the inside back cover. (The children's librarian told me they had to find a special way to cover the book as to not takeaway from the story.) It is about a little dog who goes for a ride around the world on a red umbrella. The umbrella is used to fly, surf, float, protection and all sorts of things as he sees animals from all over the world.
The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds is a book I discovered through Amy at One Artsy Mama and Rachel at I HEART CRAFTY THINGS. It is a lovely book about a girl who claims to not be artistic, but her art teacher inspires her and helps her realize we all have some artistic ability. Amy and Rachel have some great crafts to go along with this book. Hazel and I keep talking about making the watercolor dots, but haven't yet.
Those are three of our latest library finds. Hope you enjoy them!!

Ooohhh...thanks for sharing! I am always on the lookout for fun new books to read with my kids!