
Family Sunday

Well today Hazel and I went to  church.While blog hopping the other day I found a neat blog which for some reason I didn't bookmark, follow, or whatever so I can't find it again. Ugh!! The author is a minister's wife and she was talking about a study that showed children taken regularly to religious services were more confident and other things (which I can't remember and thus why I want to find the post again). Anyone know what I'm talking about?

Hazel's school, Cape Ann Waldorf School, is hosting a holiday fair on November 19th. One aspect of the holiday fair is a wee folk shop and I have been trying to participate in some of the handwork times to get ready for it. The first one fell when my parents were visiting, so we took the opportunity to show my parents the school. My father stayed with Hazel in her classroom (with her teacher as well) and my mother and I knitted. We made gnomes. They were fairly easy to knit once we understood the handwork instructor's pattern. She wrote it down from somewhere, I'm not sure, but it was more a picture than anything. To make him you cast on 28 stitches then knit 6 rows. In the next row you bind off the two middle stitches and then in the next row yarn over 2 stitches in the middle to get them back (this creates the hole for the head). Then you knit 6 rows and then in the next row you bind off 9 stitches on each end. Then you increase on each end until you end up with 22 stitches. Then you knit 10 rows. Then you put half the stitches on a stitch holder and knit half the stitches for 18 rows and bind off (one leg) then knit the other side the same length (for the other leg). Then you sew it together. The top becomes the arms and shoulders folding it down and the rest gets folded sideways. Then you make an appropriate sized head from stockinette and for the hat you cast on 22 stitches, stitch 4 rows in stockinette and then make a ridge (5th and 6th rows are purl) and then stockinette 3 more rows. Then you gather one of the long ends to make the hat. Sew the hat (and the head) on after the body and head are stuffed. Pretty easy.

I'm off today for another craft time. I believe today we are doing needle felting, so I'm rather excited. I hope to learn some new things since I'm more or less self taught at needle felting. I'll let you know what I make.

Sharing Saturday #4

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Sharing Saturday last week. It is so inspiring to see all the great ideas. Here are a few of our most popular shared ideas:

Turkey Time

Today has already been a long day. When I was getting ready to take Hazel to the library for the Move 'n Groove program, I realized she had a fever. We went back to the doctor's office for the fourth time in about a month. They think she still has her sinus infection (for the past month though we thought it was cleared up last time we were there). She is back on antibiotics--which hopefully won't cause more issues like the last round did. We also had the pleasant surprise that my sister decided to visit last night and tonight so she could go to a conference in Boston. She had gone back and forth about going, but decided yesterday that she wanted to and was able to register still. Plus luckily Steve is no longer working the overnight shift but is feeling lousy from the crazy hours and being rundown. He worked from home today.

Thanksgiving Decorations

Today is Mingle With Us! Blog Hop over at I HEART CRAFTY THINGS. It is a great way to find new interesting blogs to check out and get some new followers for yourself. So if you are visiting from the blog hop, Welcome!! I hope you will become a follower.

Today's post will be quick as I'm having one of those crazy days. I'm sure by now you have all heard about the crazy October snowstorm. Although it didn't affect my town too much, unfortunately, I'm a storm widow since my poor husband works for the power company. He has been assigned the overnight shift again so I get to find ways to entertain Hazel and try to keep her quiet so he can sleep when he gets home. It has also meant no naps all week since he is waking up around her nap time and she of course wants to see Daddy. The nice part is that they do get to see each other whereas if he was working days they probably wouldn't. Then on top of it last night I received a frantic email about tutoring today so I had to find someone to watch her so I could actually go to work this evening. Luckily Steve's mother is happy to do it for us. So now, I have to get ready to go tutor, but wanted to share this little craft with you before I go.

In preparation for Thanksgiving we (well mostly I since Hazel couldn't focus that day) made some wooden bead and pipe cleaner napkin rings. Very easy and she actually did help with a few of them. String some large beads on half a pipe cleaner and then close it to make a loop.  Beading works on Hazel's fine motor skills so it is a plus every way you look at it.

I played around with letter beads as well and considered personalizing them for all of our guests (and possibly making some for Christmas gifts from Hazel), but I didn't have enough letter beads to spell all the names or words I wanted. I did get one "Thanks" done and figured I would buy more at some point and have her make them.

I think it will add a little more of a personal touch to your Thanksgiving table. What are you doing for yours?

Thanking a Soldier

Hazel decorated one side

I wrote a letter...
Today Hazel and I worked on cards for American Soldiers. With Veteran's Day fast approaching and the holiday season, I always like to take time out to thank a soldier. I googled to see where we could send our cards. I found So Hazel and I pulled out our Fourth of July stickers and decorated some blue paper. Then I printed a letter thanking the soldier and his or her family for their sacrifices and service. It seems like such a nice way to teach Hazel about Veteran's Day.

My Fairy Princess
My Witch Princess
We also hit the post Halloween sales for dress-up clothes. Hazel has been loving her "White Snow" (as she calls it) costume. She also likes her witch hats--especially the one with green hair attached. And her fairy/butterfly wings. We actually went to Sears today for portraits and Hazel wore her wings in half of them.
My Little Fairy at Sears