This year for Black History Month I could not decide what to focus on for my post. Hazel and I read books about Coretta Scott King (Martin Luther King, Jr.'s wife) and inventor Garrett Morgan. I was trying to decide which to focus on and then I discovered Katherine Johnson and knew I found my post subject. First a bit about how I discovered her. Back from my former life as a high school math teacher I have a friend who was a black history teacher (now he is an assistant principal). Every February he posts on his Facebook page about various black people and events. He only posts so his friends can see them so I have not been able to share them. However this year I have been Googling the person or event and pinning them to my Black History Month Board. Be sure to check it out to learn about even more Black History. Well one of his posts this year was about Katherine Johnson and I knew I had found my post topic and the bonus is she also is a black mathematician!
Katherine Johnson -- Multicultural Math Lesson and Black History Month Blog Hop & Giveaway
This year for Black History Month I could not decide what to focus on for my post. Hazel and I read books about Coretta Scott King (Martin Luther King, Jr.'s wife) and inventor Garrett Morgan. I was trying to decide which to focus on and then I discovered Katherine Johnson and knew I found my post subject. First a bit about how I discovered her. Back from my former life as a high school math teacher I have a friend who was a black history teacher (now he is an assistant principal). Every February he posts on his Facebook page about various black people and events. He only posts so his friends can see them so I have not been able to share them. However this year I have been Googling the person or event and pinning them to my Black History Month Board. Be sure to check it out to learn about even more Black History. Well one of his posts this year was about Katherine Johnson and I knew I had found my post topic and the bonus is she also is a black mathematician!
Katherine Johnson (Little People BIG DREAMS) -- Book Review
Disclosure: I was sent a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
Happy February!! February has many amazing things about it: Valentine's Day, Presidents Day, Black History Month, etc. I always love finding new books about Black people to share in February. Today I get to share a new one about a hero of mine--Katherine Johnson. I love that she was a mathematician. I love that she was Black and fought for her right to be heard and share her knowledge. She changed history and not so faraway history. History about our space travel. We are talking the 1960s not the 1800s. I always feel like most female mathematicians had a love for math but didn't really get much credit for the work they did. Katherine did not get much credit for her work until recently, but she made a huge difference in the space race. Today I am sharing the book Katherine Johnson by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara and illustrated by Jemma Skidmore. It is part of the Little People BIG DREAMS series. It is recommended for ages 6 to 8.
The Real Women Mathematicians of Hidden Figures - Black History Month Blog Hop & Giveaway
Have you seen Hidden Figures yet? Now as a family we hardly ever go to the movies. We really do not like supporting the Hollywood scene or spending the huge amounts that it costs to go out and get a popcorn. However on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day our family went to the movie theater to see Hidden Figures. Between my love of multicultural stories and math, my engineering husband's love of space, and Hazel's love of history and learning, we all loved this movie. We felt it was worth the money spent and found it to be a great activity for the day. Now I was especially excited for the movie since my post last year for the Black History Month Blog Hop was about Katherine Johnson. The movie made me want to learn even more and teach Hazel more about these amazing women.
New Books about Race, Stereotypes and Black Lives!
Disclosure: I was sent digital copies of these books in exchange for honest reviews. All opinions are my own.
Have you been enjoying your holidays? I have not been writing since I have been taking time to be with my family. This holiday season has been special for us because we are realizing it is probably the last one with my father being somewhat mentally present. His Alzheimer's is getting bad and we know the end is coming whether he will be alive and not aware or die this year we are beginning to prepare ourselves. This week I am getting ready for Hazel's birthday. We decided to have a small gathering of girls from her school and doing our best to keep them socially distant and with masks. But before the year ends I wanted to review these four books. Two of these books have not been released yet and the other two are new in the past couple of months. It seems fitting to end 2020 with books about race, stereotypes and Black lives.
Can't Get Enough Space Stuff Review with Craft & Activity Round-Up
Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
This week for our Back to School with National Geographic Kids we are sharing a fun new book about space. To go with our book review, we are sharing a round-up of crafts, activities, lessons and more all about space for different ages. Our book is Can't Get Enough Space Stuff by Stephanie Drimmer and Julie Beer. It is recommended for ages 7 to 10.
Hidden Women -- a Multicultural Children's Book Day Review
Have you seen Hidden Figures? It is in Hazel's top three favorite movies of all times. Our family went to see it on Martin Luther King Day last year. Last year I wrote about the real women in the story for Black History Month. And before the movie I had done a post about Katherine Johnson for a previous Black History Month. Needless to say this is a topic near and dear to us. I jumped at the chance to review a new book called Hidden Women: The African-American Mathematicians of NASA Who Helped Win the Space Race by Rebecca Rissman.
Women in World War I
Today we continue our Women in Wars Series and focus on World War I. Since I'm American and it is National Women's History Month I am going to focus on mostly American women. The changes in the world affected the roles of women in the war. In the Revolutionary and Civil Wars some women disguised themselves as men to fight. This would not have been as easy to get away with during World War I and there military roles for women now. In 1901 the United States established the Army Nurses Corps and in 1908 it established the Navy Nurses Corps. They

Changing the Equation -- Meet 3 of the Mathematicians from this book #blacklivesmatter
Today we are continuing with our Black Lives Matter Series. In doing my research for Mary Eliza Mahoney I stumbled across Changing the Equation: 50+ US Black Women in STEM by Tonya Bolden. I was able to get a digital review copy of it. And WOW!! It is full of names some you probably heard of and others that you have not. These women are doctors, nurses, engineers, computer programmers/coders, mathematicians, scientists and so much more. I knew I had to share this book with you as quickly as I could. I wanted to make it even more meaningful to be part of our Black Lives Matter Series so I am going to review the book and share about three of the amazing women in the book and of course I picked the mathematicians. After all they are my sisters from my past life.
Chapter Books for Grades Middle Grades
Yesterday I did a mega review of books for gift ideas for all ages. They included crafts and non-fiction books. Today I thought I would share some books and a CD for the middle grades. Next week we will be sharing chapter books for older kids as well.

Informational Books to Explore and Learn
Disclosure: I was sent copies of these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
I'm still sharing books that are great gifts for kids!! Today I saved three nonfiction books that kids can explore and learn from. The ages for these books start with 6+. The first book is See Inside Space by Katie Daynes and illustrated by Peter Allen. It is the one recommended for ages 6+ and is book with flaps to open up and discover more! It is part of the See Inside Series.

Women's History Month Picture Book Round-Up
March is Women's History Month. Over the years I have shared many books about amazing women. Some are biographies and some are books based on their lives. There are even some that feature more than one woman. I share these books all year long and not just in March. Today I thought I would do a round-up of books about women that I have reviewed in the past. I also have checked to see that the books are still available for the older ones. Some books are about famous women and others may be a woman you haven't heard of. Each has a story that is worth learning about and I hope you will consider checking out the book and sharing it with someone this month! Full disclosure: I was sent copies of these books at some point in time to review. The links provided will take you to my review of the book. These books are recommended for ages between 4 and 10. Next week I will share a round-up of books for older kids.

Mega Science Book Review #STEM Part 1
This Saturday we are going to STEM Saturday at Hazel's school. In honor of STEM Saturday I am sharing several science books with you. We will cover animals, plants, space and more!! Are you ready? We will start with some general science and information books. Our first book is What Would Happen? by Crispin Boyer.

Science Book Round-Up in Honor of Albert Einstein's Birthday and Pi Day! #STEM
Well, this year Pi Day was a snow day for most of the schools around me including Hazel's. Luckily by late morning it was safe to be on the roads. We headed out to celebrate Pi Day at the Capital One Cafe where they were serving pizza pie and various pies. Did you know that Albert Einstein as born on March 14, 1879? And of course there was also the sad news today that Stephen Hawkings passed away this morning. (Source) In honor of all of this I thought it was time to share the pile of science books I have been collecting!! We will look at experiments, the human body, pinball, dinosaurs, underwater and space. Plus some of these books have ties to Women's History Month and more!! We will start with dinosaurs since chronologically that makes sense. The book is from the series Science Comics and it is Dinosaurs: Fossils and Feathers by M.K. Reed and illustrated by Joe Flood.
Two of the Big Six: John Lewis and A. Philip Randolph #blacklivesmatter

Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month -- Book Round-Up
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Source: World Atlas |
- A is for Asia by Cynthia Chin-Lee
- Asian Children's Favorite Stories by David Conger, Marian Davies Toth & Kay Lyons
- Asian Holidays by Faith Winchester
- Come Look With Me: Asian Art by Kimberly Lane
- I Dreamed I was a Panda by Debra A. Johnson
- Floating Clouds, Floating Dreams Favorite Asian Folk Tales edited by I. K. Junne
- Moon Magic: Stories from Asia by Katherine Davison
- The Tiger's Whisker and Other Tales from Asia and the Pacific by Harold Courlander
- Folk Tales from Asia by Asian Cultural Centre for Unesco
- Tikki Tikki Tembo and More Stories to Celebrate Asian Heritage DVD produced by Weston Wood Studios, Inc.
- Asian Kites by Wayne Hosking
- Haiku: Asian Arts and Crafts for Creative Kids by Patricia Donegan
- Asian-American Crafts Kids Can Do! by Sarah Hartman
- A Kid's Guide to Asian American History by Valerie Petrillo
- Asian Crafts by Judith Hoffman Corwin
- Monkeys of Asia and Africa by Patricia A. Fink Martin
- Really Wild Animals: Adventures in Asia DVD produced by National Geographic Society
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The Year of the Horse is part of a series of books about the Chinese Zodiac |
The Phillipines
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Sora and the Cloud Review |
Let's Read About Black Characters & People -- Round-Up of Children's Books
The other day as I talked to Hazel about current events on our walk and was telling her my plans for Crafty Moms Share, she said, "Did you ever notice that when there is a black person in a book there is just one in a group of white friends?" Oh, yes, we still have the token black person in our society of books and television shows. She even commented how sometimes the group is made up of one person of different races like in The Start-Up Squad Series. I recently read an article about how white people need to do more than talk to our kids about racism. Where we live, who our neighbors are, books we read/provide our kids, who our friends are, the diversity of the school we send our kids to all play a part in how our kids grow up and understand race relations. Now I cannot change your neighborhood or their school but I hope I can change the books in your house and your library. I asked some fellow bloggers as well as authors that are part of the Multicultural Children's Book Day group for any books, activities, and reviews they had with black people as the main characters. Today I am going to share a round-up of books shared and some others I found (on Amazon). I will link reviews and activities whenever possible. It is important that all of our kids read books that have people like them but it is also important that our kids read books with people who do not look like them. This will build their understanding and help them to grow and learn about race and culture and hopefully not be racist when they grow up. I have the books separated into picture books, fairy tales, chapter books/novels, and non-fiction/biographies. There are some separation within some of these genres as well.