
Spring Candy Bird Houses

Have you entered my current giveaway? This is one you do not want to miss!!

We finally have spring weather in the Boston area and we definitely have a bit of spring fever at my house! The weather is too nice to stay inside all day. However we took time the other morning to make these adorable bird houses from graham crackers, Peeps and frosting. I saw the idea at Yesterfood. When I saw them, I knew Hazel would want to make them. She is after all obsessed with birdhouses and bird cages.

 We Had fun making them. Hazel remembered making gingerbread houses out of graham crackers and this reminded her of that. We used a tube of decorating frosting, but it took a few tries and some time to get them to stay together. 

We had two kinds of Peeps. The new birthday cake flavor (which Hazel thought was ok) and the original ones in pink (which Hazel does not like since she does not like marshmallow, but I love them). She made the house for the pink one and I did the blue one.

For similar ideas check out these posts:

Sharing Saturday 15-18

Have you entered my current giveaway? This is one you do not want to miss!!
Sharing Saturday Button

Thank  you to everyone who shared last week!! I am blown away by the creativity and amazing posts shared. These features are just a sampling of the posts shared. I hope you will go and check them all out! This week our features consist of  May Features, Educational Features and Food and Play Dough Features. 

Gift a Feast: A Feast of Snacks Review and Giveaway

Disclosure: Gift a Feast sent me a Feast of Snacks free of charge to review. They are also offering one to one of my readers. All opinions in my review are my own and I did not receive any other compensation. As in all my reviews I am providing links for your ease but receive no compensation.

Are you looking for the perfect gift for someone who does not really need anything? Perhaps a gift for Mother's Day, for a graduate or an end of the year gift for a teacher? Want something different from the norm, then this review is for you!! I have the pleasure of sharing with you Gift a Feast and reviewing their A Feast of Snacks gift and down below you can enter to win one. If you order one of their gifts on their website you can choose the gift wrap. Gift a Feast has a variety of gifts including sweets and savory treats. All the gifts are food items from the San Francisco area. So each gift is a taste of San Francisco. The gifts are wrapped beautifully. The papers are gorgeous. I let Hazel open them and she did not want to rip the paper so she could use them for crafts later. Our gift was in pink flowered paper. Here is a picture of it before it was mailed. Isn't it gorgeous?

Emus and Hippos!! Book Reviews

Disclosure: Candlewick Press gave me a copy of these books free of charge to review. All opinions in my review are my own and I did not receive any other compensation. As in all my reviews I am providing links for your ease, but receive no compensation.

Today we are sharing two fun and educational animal books from Candlewick Press. They are written in the same style as Grandma Elephant's In Charge and Big Red Kangaroo which Candlewick Press sent previously to me to review (and we bought one as a birthday gift for one of Hazel's friends because we love them so much!). These books tell a story about a particular animal and/or group of animals as well as have aside facts about the animal.

The first we travel to Australia to learn about emus, with Emu written by Claire Saxby and illustrated by Graham Byrne.

Heather Has Two Mommies Book Review: What Makes a Family?

Disclosure: Candlewick Press gave me a copy of this book free of charge to review. All opinions in my review are my own and I did not receive any other compensation. As in all my reviews I am providing links for your ease, but receive no compensation.

Lately there is so much talk about families. There are the debates over same sex marriage and almost everyone at some point will meet a child with two same sex parents. As an avid supporter of equal rights for all, I believe it is important to help children see that this is all right. We do not want to ostracize a child because of the make up of his or her family. I know we have all heard those embarrassing stories about when a child first noticed someone who is different from them. How they are prepared to deal with differences will help make these stories non-embarrassing.  Today I get to share the perfect book to help prepare children. The book is Heather Has Two Mommies by Lesléa Newman and illustrated by Laura Cornell. This is a new edition of the book.