Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Celebrating Becoming a Teenager


I cannot believe it!! Hazel turned 13 last month!! Thirteen is such a big year. It is often when kids become young adults, as well as of course, they become a teenager! This year I wanted it to be extra special for Hazel. I came up with the theme of butterfly for her party. I told her it was because she is transforming into a teenager/young adult. She liked the idea of butterfly but did not like my reasoning. I began searching for 13th birthday ideas. I have a Pinterest Board for it if you want different ideas! I saw a printable that says "You have been loved for 13 Years..." I saw some on Etsy as well as some free ones, but I wanted to personalize it a bit. I had planned on having it printed as a poster and hanging it on her door for when she woke up, but that plan changed. Click on it to get a pdf so you can print it out at home.

Christmas during a World Pandemic


Merry Christmas to you and your family! This Christmas has been a strange one. It really hasn't felt like Christmas. We have had an unusually warm December. Then there is the threat of the new variant. I know people who traveled for the first time since December 2019 and others whose plans got completely ruined. This year seems even harder than last year when most of us were not vaccinated. Christmas 2020 we planned differently. We knew we needed to social distance and only have small gatherings. Our family split times with my parents. My sister who lives in Rhode Island, Hazel and I gathered at the Cape house and spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with my parents. My sister and nephew from North Carolina came after Christmas to celebrate with my parents so we could not cross contaminate each other. I have not seen my sister and nephew since July 2020 when we visited them at the Cape and only stayed outside with them. 

Help Mom Work from Home! -- a sweet new picture book


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Are you working from home with a small child at home? Does your child like to "help" you work? Today's book is for you! It is Help Mom Work from Home by Diana Murray and illustrated by Cori Doerrfeld. It is recommended for ages 4 to 8.

The Giving Manger -- the Perfect Family Activity/Gift for Advent Bringing Christ into Your Holiday Season


Disclosure: I was sent this product in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

One of my goals this November is to share  amazing Christmas products, so you will have time to purchase them to enjoy during the season. Today I begin my reviews with The Giving Manger by Allison Hottinger and Lisa Kalberer.

Losing a Beloved Pet -- RIP Pumpkin Girl


Today my heart is heavy and my home is a bit emptier. Last night Steve and I had to make the difficult decision to put our sweet Pumpkin girl down. We noticed she was losing weight and not eating or drinking water like she usually did. She also had changed her spot to spend most of the day. She wasn't being her normal self. I moved her vet appointment up a week because we were growing increasingly worried. She was due for a well visit next week. When our vet saw her she knew something was wrong. After a quick examination she told us she needed to get an x-ray, bloodwork and some liquids into her. She was very dehydrated. She asked us to give her about 20 minutes. We sat on the porch of the vet clinic and waited. When she got all the results she called us in and brought Pumpkin to us. She was fighting tears as she told us that Pumpkin definitely had cancer. She had liquid in her chest and abdomen. We had two options. Take her to a vet hospital ER and let them try to remove the liquid and start chemotherapy or put her down. We couldn't imagine having our sweet Pumpkin girl spend nights in a cage away from us while the poked and examined her, so our decision was clear. It broke our hearts to say goodbye. 

Violets Are Blue -- New Middle School Novel about Friends, Family, Divorce and More!


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Today I am sharing Barbara Dee's newest novel. Barbara's novel seem to always capture the emotions and actions of middle school students. This one is no different. It is Violets Are Blue. It is recommended for grades 4 to 8.

NEW this week--Middle grade books Plus a GIVEAWAY!


Disclosure: I was sent copies of these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Yesterday I shared two new this week picture books and today I have two new this week middle grade novels to share. Middle grade novels have a recommendation for ages 7 to 12. One of the books is a mystery having to do with sports and the other is a multicultural book about family, friends, and math. Plus there is a giveaway for one of them. We are going to start with Danny Chung Sums It Up by Maisie Chan and illustrated by Natelle Quek. This book is recommended for ages 8-12.

Family Vacation Time During the Pandemic


Disclosure: I was sent this puzzle in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

It has been a tough year for everyone. Our world shut down during Hazel's new school's spring break last year. It was such a strange time. We didn't know what was coming. Here in Massachusetts at least things are far from normal. Businesses are opening up again but masks are mandatory in public. We have been lucky. Hazel's school has been open this school year. We have the choice to keep her remote whenever we want to but can send her in most of the time. The school goes remote after vacation weeks so it enforces self quarantines for people who have traveled. It truly amazes me when I look on Facebook and see friends all across the country traveling and going out socially. The idea of stepping on an airplane right now or eating in a restaurant scares me. Yet I know there are people who do it all the time and I'm friends and/or related to some of them. We have not left Massachusetts since our trip to Disney in February 2020. We are very lucky though that my family has a house on Cape Cod and we have gotten away there including this spring break. Hazel has been off the past two weeks for spring break and this past week we headed to Cape Cod to spend time as a family, get a change of scenery and see my parents. Since Steve is working from home he needed a change of scenery as well as some time off. Have you traveled during this pandemic?

One Jar of Magic -- new middle school novel about disappointment, dreams, friends, family and more


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review and a small compensation gift. All opinions are my own.

Today I get to share with you an amazing new middle grades novel. This post is part of the Awareness Tour hosted by The Children's Book Review which includes a giveaway!! I will start with the publishers information about the book. The book is One Jar of Magic by Corey Ann Haydu.

A Book to Help Teens Relate to a Loved One with Dementia


Disclosure: I was sent a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Does someone in your life have dementia? My father has Alzheimer's disease. This year has been even harder because of it. When the pandemic hit and everything shut down our lives all changed but especially my father's. His schedule was gone. The bus didn't come to pick him up for his day program three times a week. He didn't have his volunteer job at the Alzheimer's center anymore. He and my mother were home alone basically all the time. They are both 80 or older now. It was too dangerous to let them run their errands. My sister went to see them every weekend to run errands and give my mom a break. This summer while staying at the family house near them my family experienced the first time we knew my father had no idea who we were. He was spending the day with us and woke up from a nap and kept talking about wanting to see my mother by her first name. I couldn't calm him until I called my mother to come get him. It was heartbreaking for me. I was use to being called by one of my sisters' name--he has been doing that my whole life--but this time it was obvious he had no idea I was his daughter or that Hazel was his granddaughter. It is so hard to deal with for me and I can only imagine what it is like for Hazel. Today's book is to help teens and even tweens understand dementia and find ways to relate to the loved one with dementia. It is A Loved One with Dementia by Jean Rawitt. It is part of the Empowering You series

It's All Love -- A book of reflections for teens about love for selves, others, life and more


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

February is the month for love! It has Valentine's Day (14th) and Random Acts of Kindness Day (17th) in it. Yet in this world of ours love can be hard and hurtful. How do we teach our kids about love? Who should they love? Well for one thing they need to love themselves. Today I am sharing a book by teen actress Jenna Ortega. The book is It's All Love: Reflections for Your Heart & Soul. It is a book written for teens and will also be good for people in their 20's.

Two Beautiful Picture Books about Growing Up and Mindfulness


Disclosure: I was sent copies of these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Today I am going to share with you two absolutely beautiful picture books. The books are recommended for pre-K through grade 3. One is about becoming a big girl and putting away toys and the other is about learning to meditate. The first book is Nasla's Dream by Cecile Roumiguiere and illustrated by Simone Rea. 

The Stepmom Shake-Up -- a new middle grade novel about family and change


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

This week I am back to work and going to start by sharing a new middle grade novel. Even on my stay-cation I did the Black Lives Matter Series and Who's In the Backyard? Series, but today I will bring back my book reviews. We will start with The Stepmom Shake-up by Niki Lenz.

Winnie's Picks Paint-By-Number -- Crafty Sundays Review

Disclosure: I was sent a custom paint-by-number kit in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Do you remember color-by-numbers and paint-by-numbers from your childhood? I do. I use to love them. Recently I was asked to review an adult paint-by-number from Winnie's Pick. They said I could pick whichever one I wanted and I was excited to see the Photo to Custom Paint-By-Number option. I thought it would be neat to paint a family portrait. A childhood friend, who is a professional photographer, took a photo of us at another childhood friend's daughter's wedding last summer that we love. I sent it along.

New Picture Books About Dad's Love

Disclosure: I was sent copies of these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Today I am going to share two new picture books about dads. They would have been perfect for Father's Day but alas I got them after Father's Day. They are however wonderful books and it is great to see some books with dads in them that have some substance. 

Foreverland -- a middle grade novel about friendship, courage & dealing with loss

Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Middle school is hard for everyone. Often friendships change. There are new people to meet and new ideas or perhaps new and different schools. Add in the stress of your sister finding a new passion and new boyfriend and not having time for you plus your parents are getting divorced. Yup, life can be tough. What is an intelligent, germaphobic girl to do? Well runaway to the last place she remembers a happy family memory--the amusement park. That is the setting of today's book, Foreverland by Nicole C. Kear. It is recommended for ages 8 to 12 and is being released today!

Surviving through our new normal--Toilet Paper Roll Craft Round Up & More!

The world is a scary place and has gotten a whole lot scarier the last few weeks. I believe we are truly afraid of the unknown. We do not know who will get the Coronavirus, who will die from it and what will happen during this time. There are predictions but it is scary. Now we are dealing with this stress and fear and our kids are home with us because it isn't safe to have them at school. And then there is the whole stores wiped out of toilet paper (and other things) going on. Craziness! 

Surviving Flu Season

Let's face it the news is pretty scary. There is the Coronavirus which is making its way into the United States and everywhere I look I hear another person who has the flu (including Hazel and me). This is also the time the stomach bug usually makes its rounds. Last February Hazel's school had to close for a day to get cleaned because the stomach bug was so rampant. Are there things we can do to protect our families and ourselves from these very contagious illnesses? Well yes and no. The first line of defense is hand washing. Hand washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Teach your child(ren) to wash hands and sing "Happy Birthday to You" to themselves. They shouldn't stop washing until they finish the song. 

Books for Younger Readers

Disclosure: I was sent these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Today I am giving you a round-up of books for your younger readers. These books range in ages from 4 to 12 although one is suggested for 0 months and above. One book is about fears and seems perfect for this week with Halloween. Hazel has had high fears in the month of October especially when she was younger. She still does not like to see the Halloween decorations in the stores or on people's yards. Do you know any child like this? If you do this first book is perfect for him or her. It is Frankie's Scared of EVERYTHING by tattoo artist, Mathew Franklin. It is recommended for ages 4 to 8.

Summer's Promise -- a Mommy Time Christian Book Review

Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Today I am participating in the blog tour for Summer's Promise by Barbara Cameron. As Hazel has gotten older I decided to spend some time with adult books and have enjoyed the Christian themed novels. This is one of those kind of novels. It is the third book in the Harvest of Hope Series, but is the only one I have read in the series.