
Gary Paulsen's Middle Grade Autobiography -- Fascinating and Heart-wrenching


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Have you heard of the author Gary Paulsen? He is a three-time Newbery Honor winning author. He wrote books such as Hatchet, Dogsong, and The Winter Room. I haven't personally read them but they apparently are amazing middle school and young adult books. Now he is sharing his own childhood story in Gone to the Woods: Surviving a Lost Childhood

Women in the American Revolutionary War


Happy International Women's Day!! It seems like the perfect time to do our second post for Women in Wars--our focus for Women's History Month this year. Today we will focus on the Revolutionary War. During the time of the Revolutionary War women were not even considered for military service. There were some roles that women were able to play for the military units. Wives, mothers and daughters of some soldiers would go with the military units and do the cooking, sewing and clothes washing for the men and they would get to sleep in a tent and get food. They were called camp followers by some and General George Washington called them women of the army. Women also helped with the care of injured soldiers. They served as nurses and were considered civilians. They received no military status or benefits and no medical training. They did jobs like feeding and bathing the patients as well as cleaning the beds and emptying the bed chambers. They were paid only about $2-$4 a month and often got ill from the soldiers. 

Printable Vinyl Sticker Paper Projects -- Crafty Sundays


Disclosure: HTVRONT sent me a package of this product in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. 

I haven't done a Crafty Sundays in awhile. Today I get to share a fun product with you. I have always wanted a Cricut machine but haven't justified spending the money on one. I love all the vinyl projects I see on line and that my friends make with theirs. I am sharing some projects to make with HTVRONT Printable Vinyl Sticker Paper and it works in an inkjet. I have so many different ideas for projects but am going to share some simple ones with you today. 

In Search of Wisdom -- a Mommy Time Review


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

With life in such turmoil during this pandemic I have found it more important to turn to God. Our church is only doing Zoom services so it has been hard to feel connected at times. I have turned to my devotionals and other books. Today I am sharing a book that helps the reader understand the book of Proverbs better. It is called In Search of Wisdom: Life-Changing Truths from the Book of Proverbs by Joyce Meyer.

Women in Wars -- Introduction-- Women's History Month


As I thought about Women's History Month I knew I wanted to really touch on women in history that may be forgotten. Today women are members of the Armed Forces, but not that long ago they were not allowed. I decided I would focus on women who played important roles in wars. This month I will share about women in the Revolutionary War, Civil War, and the two World Wars. Today I thought I would start with some women who fought wars before America was a country. I have focused on the legend of Mulan in the past. She is one of the women who reportedly disguised herself as a man to fight in a war. Then there was the Greek goddess, Athena, who was the goddess of war, as well as the Amazons, the race of women warriors in Greek mythology. Even the Aztecs had a warrior goddess, Itzpapalotl. Then we know of Joan of Arc and how she led the French army through battles. And we shared about Artemisia in the past. Today let's talk about some of the other women you may not have heard about that fought in real wars and battles. As I started researching women in wars I found The Book of Heroines: Tales of History's Gutsiest Gals by Stephanie Warren Drimmer. All of the women, goddesses and legends mentioned in this post are featured in this book. This book is one of the sources for my entire post. I will list others that I used to find out more about the women and share books for kids when possible. (Note: I have not checked out these books but found them searching my local library website and Amazon.)