
Fairty Tales in Different Cultures: Cinderella for Older Children and Adults

We have spent so many Mondays talking about Cinderella tales. Just about every country and/or culture seems to have some version (at least one) of the tale. Did you know there are Cinderella tale books for older children as well as for adults. Here are some that I have found and I have read a few of them.

Sharing Saturday 14-31

Sharing Saturday Button

Thank you to everyone who shared with us last week and to everyone who took the time to visit what was shared!! I know I was once again inspired by so many ideas. We will be trying some of them in the next few weeks! There was not a most clicked, so this week's features are in four groups: August and Back to School, Marshmallows, Pioneers, and a few of my favorites.

August and Back to School

1) From Living Montessori Now: August 2014 Calendar Observances and Activities

2) From Gift of Curiosity: Children's Books about Starting School

3) From Exploring Literacy with Heart: Dear Bully...

4) From Mini Monets and Mommies: Cherry Glitter Art for Kids: Paint with Nature


1) From Mama to 5 Blessings: Building With Food

2) From The Surly Housewife: Letter of the Week - Letter M


1) From Life with Moore Babies: Little House on the Prairie Party

2) From Line Upon Line Learning: Pioneer Week: Covered Wagons Craft

3) From Line Upon Line Learning: Top 12 Best Picture Books about Covered Wagons

A Few of My Favorites

1) From Dabbling Momma: Flower Cutting and Fine Motor Skills

2) From Stella 123: What do ducks eat? Feeding the ducks with kids

3) From Sunshine and Hurricanes: Paint Your Own Frozen Puppets

Thank you to everyone who shared last week!! I hope you will join us and share again!! If you are featured here, please feel free to grab a featured button to display proudly on your blog. 


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From Your Hostess:
This week we shared our exploration of Ukraine with Around the World in 12 Dishes, all the versions of Mulan we could find, Doll Clothes ideas to make and/or transform from baby clothes, a birthday party at the American Girl Doll Store and cheap doll accessories to buy or make.

Now for This Week's Party 
Please note: I tried a different thing with the linky and they will go into a random order!!  
A Few Simple Guidelines:
1)  Please follow Crafty Moms Share via GFC (or one of the other ways that work for you).  

2)  Link any kid-friendly, child-centered post. Please no etsy shops or giveaways, etc.  Remember to link to your actual post. 

3) Post the Sharing Saturday button on your sidebar or somewhere on your blog to help spread the word.

4) I would love it if you would follow me on FacebookGoogle+, and Pinterest 

5) If you do not have a blog, but want to share an idea you can leave it in the comments or e-mail it to me with a picture (if possible).

 Disclaimer: By sharing here, you are giving Crafty Moms Share permission to use your photos for features and to pin your craft at Pinterest.

Cheap Finds: Doll Accessories to Buy or Make

After our big adventure to the very expensive American Doll Store I wanted to find or make some of the things Hazel wants for her dolls at a better price. One of the things she really liked at the store were the doll binoculars that came with the Trail Accessories. Since she really only cared about the binoculars I could not see spending the money on the whole set. I then googled doll binoculars and discovered there really are not many out there besides American Girl ones. We decided to check Target and Michaels just in case, but no luck. Then we hit the Dollar Tree and I saw these.

We thought they would make perfect binoculars similar to the ones at the store. (I had many ideas to make them, but Hazel wanted them small like the stores.) So here is what we did. We used two matching pencil grips, the same color lacing (also bought at Dollar Tree in a package of six colors), two star shaped (but any larger bead will work) beads, two clear faceted beads that will fit in the holes of the pencil gripper and two pony beads. The tools we needed were a kitchen skewer, a large-eyed needle (the lacing needs to fit in it), and craft glue. The first step is to use the skewer to poke through both grips. Then thread the needle with the lacing and pass it through one grip, a star bead and the other grip. Pull the lacing through and give yourself a good amount so you will be able to tie it to go over the doll's head. Then I glued the bead into place. Then glue the second bead toward the other end of the grips for stability.

I put the clear beads in the end away from the strap and the pony beads in the ends where the eyes go. I found putting the grips between two heavy items help the glue set correctly. Then cut the lacing to the length you want and tie the end so it will fit on the doll. Once the glue dries your binoculars are ready to use!

Now the Trail Accessories also included a trail mix package. I have something similar to print out and make from Paper Minis. Ann Vanture of Paper Minis offers a complimentary project with each month's newsletter. She often offers them in different scales: 1/12 (dollhouse), 1/6 (Barbie doll) and 1/3 (18-inch doll size). To sign up for her newsletter and have access to all of her complimentary projects e-mail her at: . Many of the projects include packages of food, so check them out. It is free!! And she has even more amazing projects to buy at her store.

On our shopping adventure we found some great things to use with the dolls. We found the notepads pictured above at Michaels. They came in a package of 18 and were on clearance for 60% off making them around $1.20. At the Dollar Tree we found a lantern. The original one we bought had a palm leaf top which was removable, so we took it off. It is larger than the one American Girl has with the tent, but it will work.

If you put batteries in, it will really work. Next I need to make Hazel a tent for her dolls.
We also found a tea set at the Dollar Tree. Hazel loved the fact that it came with spoons for the dolls, so I spent the $1.

Then I found a package of green apples and one of red apples that were doll sized.
In this picture you can see how the sizes compare to the dolls. Aren't they perfect?

We have a few more crafts to make and will be sharing them as we make them. Stay tuned!!

For more doll ideas check out: