
Multicultural Picture Books from Deirdre Pecchioni Cummings - #ReadYourWorld

Disclosure: I was sent these books as part of Multicultural Children's Book Day in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Today I get the pleasure of sharing five of Deirdre Pecchioni Cumming's books for Multicultural Children's Book Day. Most of the books are illustrated by Erika Busse. The first book I am sharing is my and Hazel's favorite of the five. We actually have only received an ecopy since it isn't quite in print yet. It is Like Rain Water. This one is illustrated by Charlene Mosley.

My Prayer Shawl -- a Crafty Weekends Link Party

It is time for Crafty Weekends!! This week I have been working on my prayer shawl which is finally almost finished. I started it over seven years ago. I had made my sister one rather quickly when she was going through a divorce and then I liked hers so much I wanted one in pink. I bought the organic yarn and started it. It is an easy pattern (which I still messed up); knit three, purl three. The three stitches represent the Trinity. The idea of a prayer shawl is the knitter says prayers for the person who uses it so the prayers are knit into it. One of my first experiences with prayer shawls was actually a prayer baby blanket. My aunt got one when I was pregnant with Hazel and my mother brought it to me when I was on bedrest. When Hazel was in the special care unit she had this blanket on her. Then my church gave me a prayer shawl to send my aunt when she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. 

Fun Facts about Rubber Ducks with Rubber Duck Craft Round-Up

Did you know January 13 is National Rubber Ducky Day? In honor of it I thought I would share some fun facts about rubber ducks. (Did you know there are some people who spell them rubber ducky or rubber duckie?) There are rubber duck races around the world raising money for charities and it is considered a classic toy. Here are some interesting facts I found out about these little guys.

Sharing Saturday 19-2

It is time for Sharing Saturday!! This is a link party to share all of your child-oriented crafts, crafts made for kids, activities and lessons as well as your parenting and/or teaching posts. So glad you joined us!!

On Sunday night we also host Crafty Weekends for all your crafts (done by any age), patterns, and craft product reviews! It is the perfect place to share your creative side!! And if you have any cultural or diverse posts be sure to share them over at Multicultural Kid Blogs Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop

Mindware Games & More -- Perfect Gifts for Tweens

Disclosure: Mindware sent me these products in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

I was hoping to get this post written before the holidays, but I got the items a bit late and then went on vacation. However these products are wonderful gifts for birthdays or other occasions as well as just great additions to your family games and activities or home school. One of the many things I love about Mindware products is how they are fun and educational. All of these fit that description. Three of these products are games that are fun additions for family game night. The first is Leaps and Ledges