Sand Art--Perfect for a Sick Day

Today Hazel was suppose to go to my mother-in-law's for the day, but when she gave me a hug this morning I realized she had a fever. Plans changed. After running a couple quick necessary errands we got ready for a sick day of rest. So much for my to do list which included getting outside on the most beautiful day in a long while for a walk and visiting Sharing Saturday posts. Oh, well somehow I will find time to do everything that was on the list. Unlike a normal sick day, Hazel did not want to watch to much television. She wanted to do some crafts and things with Mommy. It was a long day for me. However I pulled out some of the craft kits I buy when they are on sale or clearance and we did a couple of them. One of them was a sand art kit (well actually two). Hazel has loved doing sand art at the holiday stroll and other fair kind of things, so when I saw some on sale, I bought them. She had the best time. I did two and she did the rest.
Now they are decorating our living room and family room. But the truth is the best part of them is making them. Do you have things stashed away for days like this?

1 comment:

  1. Sorry Hazel wasn't feeling well. Our "go to" things for sick days usually involve books and Lego kits, but I also have a few craft kits stashed away in case fancy strikes.


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