Christmas cards and Christmas gifts

Last night I stayed up late to finish a no sew fleece blanket for my mother-in-law. My mother had bought the fleece because her Crafty Chicks group was making the no-sew fleece blankets. (Members take turns teaching a craft and give a supply list ahead of time.) Well after picking the fabrics she found or I found I guess, the perfect fabric for a friend's baby shower so my mother made that one at the group and decided she didn't want to make another one. She gave me the fleece to figure out something to do with it.

It has a similar green as my mother-in-law's living room, so I asked my husband to show it to her and see if she would like me to make her a blanket. She did, so great one of the harder people to get gifts for is off our list. Well then I had to make it. Lately I've seen on Pinterest the braided look instead of tied. And then I saw on one of my favorite blogs Helping Little Hands, a wonderful tutorial to make a double layered no-sew braided fleece blanket. It was so easy (once you get through all the cutting and prep work). I used the paper clip as my tool instead of looking for a big enough crochet hook. It worked perfectly. Now I have one gift down! I'm only making two more and then I can get making things for Hazel's birthday party. I want to knit some owls for Hazel's teacher and teacher's assistant (plus I promised Hazel I would make her some). And I want to knit a gift for my mother's birthday, but that is in January, so I can put it off for a bit longer.

This week I also finished our Christmas cards. After printing out 100 of them (yes I print them myself) I realized our overly Christian cards were not appropriate to mail to our handful of Jewish friends, so I revised it for them. Do you do that? Or am I the only crazy one?

Hazel and I started on a craft this morning but then we had to run to church to help get ready for the Breakfast with Santa tomorrow. She fell asleep when we went out to run errands, but I woke her and now of course she won't go back to sleep. Ugh!! Why did I wake her?

Oh, well. Remember to stop by later for Sharing Saturday! Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Love how the blanket turned out! Mine will never go back to sleep either! If they fall asleep for 5 SECONDS in the car and then wake up, we are all done for nap time!

  2. Do you know if the braided edges stay together well in the wash?


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