DIY Menorah Craft Round-Up


Have you seen the post on Facebook or Instagram yet about Project Menorah? I have had several Jewish friends post it asking for support. It is rather simple. To show support for the Jewish people they are asking us to hang a menorah in our windows along with our other season decorations. Why should we do this? According to Project Menorah, antisemitism is up 388%. Many Jews are feeling afraid and isolated. In fact, one of the bloggers that shared a craft mentioned that this is the first year she is not going to put her menorah in her window due to fear and discomfort. Our Jewish friends and neighbors need our support. Hanukkah begins tomorrow (December 7th)!!

As I was thinking about this request I started thinking about getting a menorah. I saw a small one at Target but it cost $35 and I didn't want to spend that much on it. At the time I didn't know about the Project Menorah website. They do have a free printable one on the site. Then I got to thinking about do-it-yourself and crafts that could work. I asked my fellow bloggers for theirs which I will share. I also did a search and found a paper plate one over at Crayola. I made one to share with you. My paint is still wet though so it is a bit messy and I didn't draw the lines for the various candlesticks.

I had a few other ideas. I was thinking about the small Advent wreath we made with birthday candles. Since the menorah isn't a circle a jar lid won't work. However, I was thinking you could stick the nine candles into a strip of air-drying clay. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any air-drying clay in our house. I was also thinking about making one with egg cartons. I figured the bottoms could be the candlesticks and make candles out of construction paper. I didn't have time to try it though so if you decide to make one, I would love to see how it turns out. Another idea would be to use toilet paper rolls for the candles or attach them together and print out candles to glue on them.

Menorah Round-Up

As I mentioned I asked fellow bloggers for do-it-yourself menorahs and menorah crafts and I got some to share with you. Some are better for your window than others but I also love the idea of sharing with kids about Hanukkah. 

1) Colorful DIY Twig Menorah for Kids from Barley & Birch

2) Pop-Up Menorah Craft with Free Template from The Best Ideas for Kids

3) Pointillism Menorah (and Art Study) from Coffee and Carpool

4) 3-D Menorah Craft (Template costs money) from Kids Craft Room

5) Lego Menorah from What Do We Do All Day

6) Hanukkah Penny Spinners from Red Ted Art

7) Not Pictured: Printable Hanukkah Hat (costs money) from Messy Little Monster

8) Not Pictured: Clothespin Menorah Craft from Moms and Crafters

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