Finding Strength Through God in the New Year


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Happy New Year! How is 2022 going for you? Do you make resolutions? Or choose a word for the year? My word for 2022 is positivity. One resolution that is common is working on your spirituality and relationship with God. Today's book will help you find strength through God. It is by New York Times Bestseller Joyce Meyer and is called Strength for Each Day

From the Publisher:

Discover a powerful and positive mindset each day of the year with uplifting insights and motivational Bible verses provided by #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer.

Find new mercies and blessings each day when you spend time with God: reading His Word, listening, and praying for His direction. When you do, God will strengthen and enable you to handle life peacefully and wisely instead of merely trying to get through the day. He will renew your strength and empower you to bear up under trials with patience, so you can experience them with a good attitude. Maintaining a positive view in the midst of something unpleasant is the key to victory, and it enables you to enjoy the journey!

With the constant demands and pressures of daily life, it can be hard to regularly pause to be with and listen to God's voice. Joyce's practical teaching format in this 365-day devotional will encourage you to take the time for yourself so that you can receive Strength for Each Day!

From Me:

Joyce Meyer does not disappoint. This devotional is full of her own thoughts and encouragement found in God's words. For each day of the year, Joyce shares encouragement for the day to help find the strength needed to get through the day and live closer to God. For example, on January 11th she talks about not judging others. She talks about how judging others is what the devil wants us to do so we cannot focus on ourselves and fix our own failings.

Each devotional begins with scripture and ends with a prayer asking God to help us with what the devotional is about. Throughout each devotional Joyce takes the scripture and brings it into everyday life. She expands on it and how it can relate to your life. Then she closes the devotional with a prayer asking for God's support in succeeding with the challenge of the day. Each brings ways to strengthen yourself as well as your relationship with God. 

So get yourself a copy to help you strengthen yourself and your relationship with God. Reach at least one of your resolutions this year!

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