Tranquil Zen Garden in Kyoto, Japan 1,000-Piece Jigsaw Puzzle Review


Disclosure: I was sent this jigsaw puzzle in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. 

Today I get to share with you a jigsaw puzzle of a beautiful zen garden in Japan. As I have mentioned before one of the many benefits of doing a puzzle is that it is relaxing. I find having a tranquil picture even more relaxing!! The puzzle is Tranquil Zen Garden in Kyoto, Japan 1,000-Piece Jigsaw Puzzle from Tuttle Publishing. 

The picture is of Ginkaku-ji Temple and its gardens. It is popularly known as the "Temple of the Silver Pavilion." It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Kyoto, Japan, and was completed around 1490. It was original built as a retirement villa for Shogun Ashikaga Yoshimasa and was modeled after Kinkaku-ji Temple (the Golden Pavilion). However Ginkaku-ji was never plated with silver even though it is known as the Temple of the Silver Pavilion. In his retirement Yoshimasa practiced the arts including the tea ceremony. The tea ceremony room is in the Togu-do building. It is thought that all future tea ceremony rooms were modeled after this one. (Source)

I started the puzzle by separating the edge pieces from the others and separated the interior pieces by color a bit. Then I put the edge together however I was missing or lost two edge pieces. It drove me a little crazy. However I enjoyed working on this puzzle. The picture is truly beautiful, and I find myself relaxing whenever I look at it. I found the sky and blue water the easiest. The shading on those pieces really helped.

If you are ready for a challenge I hope you will check out this puzzle and take some time to explore Japan from your home! I always love learning a bit about what is in the photo. How about you?

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