Books for Women's History Month

Disclosure: I was sent these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

March is Women's History Month and today I am sharing a round-up of books for you to check out to celebrate many amazing women. Some are women you have heard of and others are about women you may not have heard of. I always love learning about new, amazing women. Don't you? These books range in ages from baby (board book) to around 11. We will start with our board book. 

The book is A Is for Awesome! 23 Iconic Women Who Changed the World by Eva Chen and illustrated by Derek Desierto. This book goes through the alphabet and shares 23 women who have changed the world. Each woman has an illustration, a quote and a sentence telling who she is/was. It is only 23 because X, Y, and Z are together, and they feature the reader with one of those "mirror" inserts on the page. 

I love that this book shares a bit about women of all walks of life who each affected the world in different ways. And I love that it is written for our youngest to begin learning about these important women. 

Our next book is Wild Horse Annie: Friend of the Mustangs by Tracey Fern and illustrated by Steven Salerno. This is the story of Wild Horse Annie or Velma Bronn Johnston. Wild Horse Annie loved horses and in particular mustangs. She fought for rights for mustangs in Nevada and later throughout the country. She turned to kids to help her fight the politics and it worked! 

I love how this book shares about someone I had not heard of and shares her story in such a fun and colorful way. I also love how it emphasizes how the children played an important role in her success. This is such a fun book. It is recommended for ages 4 to 7.

Our next three books are part of the Pocket Bios Series by Al Berenger. Hazel was able to pick the three women we would review in this series. She picked Anne Frank, Rosa Parks and Marie Curie. The series is recommended for ages 4 to 7. 

The first book is Anne Frank by Al Berenger. This book shares the story of Anne Frank and the horrors of World War II that her family lived through. It shares these horrors in a child-friendly manner so they know it was bad, but not quite as bad as some places tell them. I love how it explains the different things that happened in the war including the concentration camps. 

I love how it shares why Anne Frank became famous and how. It really is such an interesting tale.

Our next book in the series is Rosa Parks. This book shares the story of Rosa in manner that younger kids will understand. The words and illustrations are fun and easy to follow. I also love how the series has the dates on the bottom of the page to follow the person's life.

Our final book in this series is Marie Curie

This book shares the life of Marie Curie. I love how it explains why she had to move to France and how studying radiation affected her life and Pierre's. I always love books showing women in STEM fields and this one is a great introduction for younger kids to see women in science.

Speaking of women in science, our next book is Jane Goodall by Isabel Sanchez Vegara and illustrted by Beatrice Cerocchi. This book is one of the Little People, Big Dreams Series. We have had the pleasure of reviewing others in this series. It is recommended for ages 5 to 8. I love how this book shares the story of Jane Goodall and how she became to study chimpanzees. I love her love of animals as it reminds me of Hazel's. Her story shows how one can achieve one's dreams if she tries and that is such an important message for our girls.

The words are easy to follow and the illustrations make the words come alive. It is a fun way to introduce our children to an amazing female scientist and animal activist. 

Our next book I found intriguing since I had not heard about Emily Roebling. The book is Secret Engineer: How Emily Roebling Built the Brooklyn Bridge by Rachel Dougherty. Did you know woman played a major role in building the Brooklyn Bridge? I didn't. This book tells the story of how she did and what she learned. She loved math and science at a time when women didn't usually learn math and science. She insisted on accompanying her husband on trips where she learned more and then when he got sick, she took over for him. Talk about women in history lesson!! This book is it!

I love how the words and illustrations teach about bridges and what she learned as she worked on the project. It really teaches a bit about engineering and more. 

Our final book today is I Am a Wonder Woman by Ellen Bailey and illustrated by Lauren Farnsworth and Sophie Beer. This book covers over 60 women. It shares information about each woman and then has an activity to go with each woman (or group of sisters). This book is recommended for ages 9 to 11. This book definitely is for the older girl. It gives a bit more information and the activities have the reader reflect and really consider things about this woman or what she has done. The women range from world leaders to authors and scientists and entertainers. The women are from different times as well as different countries. Some of the women include Cleopatra and Hatshepsut to women who are still alive today like Malala Yousafzai and J.K. Rowling. And some of the women you probably haven't even heard of yet. 
Now I know I hadn't heard of Brita Tott, have you? The activity to go with her information besides trying to forge her signature is about being a spy.
Do you have a wonder woman in your life? Are you one? This book is perfect for your tween girls to help them learn about more strong women and give them some great role models. 

I hope you will check out these fun books and take time to celebrate Women's History Month!

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