Snow Day Fun

Disclosure: I was sent these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Lady Winter seems to have hit the United States pretty hard this week. We are on our second snow day after Winter Storm Grayson hit. And of course to Hazel the worst thing is that the temperature have dropped to dangerously cold levels to be outside for long so there is no playing in it.

With the very cold temperatures which we have had on and off for a couple of weeks and all the snow we need things to keep us busy inside! Today I am sharing three books about winter and snow and one book as an idea of something to do on your snow day!! Our first book is Pigloo by Anne Marie Pace and illustrated by Lorna Hussey. 

This book is an adorable book about Pigloo, a young pig explorer. he is all set to go explore the North Pole before lunch with his new sled and teddy bear. His sister, Paisley, says she does not want to join him, but meets him by the red and white striped pole and polar bear (which is what he said he would see at the North Pole) and they play until lunch time. This book is full of snow fun, imagination and a bit of history and geography (it mentions Admiral Byrd finding the North Pole). After lunch Pigloo is ready to go explore the South Pole. Love the imagination in the book.  It is perfect for those kids who love to play in the snow and use their imaginations and explore! It is recommended for ages 4 to 8.

Our next book is Snow Scene by Richard Jackson and illustrated by Laura Vaccaro Seeger. 
This book is about going outside on a snowy day as well as the change to spring. It is recommended for ages 4 to 8. The words are simple and it is very easy to read. The pictures are fun and colorful. It draws the mind outside during the winter as well as the start of spring.

It draws the reader in and brings a mystery of what will come next. From the nature outside to kids playing in the snow it reminds the reader of all the fun things in winter. It even ties winter into the spring with the white capped mountain or winter cap as the book calls it. I would say this one is for the younger child. 

Our next book is Snow Beast Comes to Play by Phil Gosier. This book is recommended for ages 3 to 6. It is about a snow beast who is different from others and is looking for someone with whom to play. Unfortunately the people are scared of the loud and large beast and keep running away. However one girl notices him crying and ends up playing with him. It is a fun story about playing in the snow and making friends who are different from you.

Now if you have been stuck inside you may be looking for something to do with your time or for your kids to do. Our next book is the perfect activity. It is Zendoodle Calm by Felicity French and Lauren Farnsworth. 

The idea for this book is not a just a coloring book. The pictures inside have numbers on the parts with a legend of doodling designs to match the numbers. So instead of coloring the person is doodling designs in the picture as well as coloring if desired. 

What a fun way to keep the older kids a bit busy on these days we are stuck inside. I hope you will check it out and all the books for the various ages!! Stay warm and safe!!

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