Reflections on the work of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther KIng, Jr. and a simple craft

As I thought about what I wanted to do this year for Martin Luther King Day for Kids I reflected on what we have done in the past. We have shared numerous books on Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as well as other Civil Rights Activists. We have done various crafts about unity and diversity and peace. I'll be honest I wasn't sure what to do. Hazel understands the teachings of Dr. King and we have focused quite a bit on the Civil Rights Movement in the past. I want to first reflect on a few things.

In a time of such social turmoil in our country remembering Dr. King's teachings would benefit us all. He talked about change through peaceful ways. The country reacted to the violence against the peaceful demonstrators. The violence in our country needs to stop. We need to stop being at war with one another and work on joining together and treating each other fairly. Now as a white person I know this is easy for me to say. I am not living with the constant prejudices due to the color of my skin. My upbringing was very different than those of other races and cultures. However I know the answer to all of our society problems is finding love for one another.

Dr. King was also a reverend. He believed in God and Jesus Christ. I see our society falling apart the more people move away from church. I understand people have different beliefs and respect them. I also understand that people's schedules do not always allow for attending church now that the blue laws do not exist. But in the church we are taught to love as Jesus loves. We are taught to forgive and most importantly we are taught to give and care for others. Our society seems to be about getting the most you can and not worrying about who gets hurt as you gather what is "rightfully" yours. This idea scares me. We are born with only a few rights. With faith we are taught God will provide for us, but in our country people seem to think they should be able to get something for free and not give back. This is not how the world will grow and succeed. You are not entitled to free food, free housing or even to drive like a maniac because you are late. 

I truly believe that if everyone stops to think for a moment and treats others how they would want their own family and self treated our society could be such a better place. We are all children of God and equal. No one is better than another. Some may have more wealth, more power, more talent, etc. but this does not make them better. 

While thinking about all of this I remembered that I had bought some clothespins in brown and white to possibly use at Hazel's fairy party. She has several good friends who are black and I wanted to make sure there were fairies to represent them. I pulled them out and decided to make dolls holding hands.

Hazel of course wanted to join me in this craft. We made very simple clothespin dolls using felt, tulle (leftover from her party), paint markers and other fun decorations leftover from her party. She decided she was making herself and her best friend. Her best friend likes purple.

So on Martin Luther King Day, I ask you to stop and think about someone else. Even in the heat of stress and trying to get all that we need to get done, stop and show kindness to someone else. Give a bit of yourself to others without expecting anything in return. It feels great and God will reward you!!

Welcome to our third annual blog hop on Martin Luther King Day for Kids! Find great ideas for commemorating MLK Day with kids and don't miss our series from last year and 2015! For even more, be sure to follow our Black History Pinterest board!

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