New Books for Your Older Kids

Disclosure: I was sent these products free of charge. All opinions in my review are my own and I did not receive any other compensation. As always I am providing links to the book for your convenience.

With only a few days left in September our Back to School Series only has a few more posts. I promised to share books for your older kids and another science lesson. Today will be the books for the older kids and tomorrow will be the science lesson (be sure to come back for it). These books are good for kids in middle school or older. The first book is a sequel to one we have reviewed previously, The Last Kids on Earth. The sequel is The Last Kids on Earth and the Zombie Party by Max Brallier and illustrated by Douglas Holgate.

 This book like the first book is a mix between prose and graphic novel. This book picks up where the other left off. Jack Sullivan and his friends, Quint, June and Dirk, are back. They have survived the monster apocalypse and are still fighting the various monsters and zombies they encounter. This book has action, humor and drama. It is perfect for any middle schooler. In this fast moving book the kids encounter new creatures and have many more adventures. With the various illustrations added in it makes it an easy read for the kids and entertains them even more. This book is perfect for reluctant readers, video game lovers and other middle school kids. 

Our next book is The Secrets to Ruling School: Class Election by Neil Swaab. This book is also the second book in a series (Secrets to Ruling School Series).  This series is also a mix between prose and graphic novels. It is also perfect for the reluctant readers as it has the combination of black and white graphics and prose. It is also hilarious. In this story Max Corrigan advises the new kid on how to become the class president in one week. It is narrated in second person--Max speaking to the new kid. Max has many ideas and could be a real politician some day. The humor in these books are perfect for the middle school aged kid and is a bit wasted on me, but I could completely see the tweens I know loving it.
 Our third book for today is Thornghost by Tone Almhjell. This book is in a way a continuation of Tone Almhjell's book The Twistrose Key. Lin and her family have moved away and left her best friend, Niklas, lonely. However strange things are happening. The trolls they pretended to fight are real and are destroying all the oak trees so Niklas cannot get any more troll bane (acorns) to fight them. However with the help of his new friend, a talking lynx he named Secret, he has to find a way to bring order back to his home. They enter a world of dreams where the dreams live and dead pets live. Even in the dreamworld the trolls are taking over with the help of the Sparrow King. How can they defeat him and bring things back to normal? Plus will Niklas find out about his mysterious mother who died and called herself a thornghost on her deathbed? This is a story filled with magic and imagination. It takes the reader to new realms and pulls the reader in. I really enjoyed this one!!

I hope you and your older kids will check these fun books out. All of them were released in August and September! Enjoy!!

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