Prophecy -- Young Adult Book Review

Disclosure: Novel Publicity sent me a copy of this book free of charge in return for an honest review. All opinions in my review are my own and I did not receive any other compensation. As always I am providing links to the book for your convenience.

A few weeks ago I shared a review of Legacy by Ellery A. Kane which is the first book in this amazing series. In the second book of the Legacy Series, Prophecy by Ellery A. Kane, time has moved on and the government has disbanded the Guardian Force and reopened San Francisco. They have even reopened Standford University (the only college allowed open).

Prophecy gives more of the background of details that lead up to the evacuation of San Francisco and the start up of the Guardian Force. It also tells us what life is like for Lex and Quin and their friends and family after the need to fight the Guardian Force is over. Quin's father has been released from prison. However he is then arrested for the murder of his new wife. With his past murder behind him, it is hard for Lex to be positive of his innocence. This brings a wedge between Lex and Quin. Will their relationship last? Then their nemesis, Augustus Porter is back and doing his conning and double crossing again. This time however he is out for blood--Lex's.  The characters are well developed and there are new ones as well as many of the old ones from Legacy.

Like the first book, I was not able to put this book down. In fact I had trouble falling asleep some nights after reading before bed because my mind was whirling with what was happening in the story. It is an intense and action filled story. There are surprises around every page and it even ends with a bit of a cliffhanger. Personally I cannot wait to read the third and final book in the series, but alas I have to wait until it is available. 

This series is a fun-filled adventure for any young adult or adult reader. I highly recommend it!!

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