Learning Spanish in 10 Mintues a Day

*Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links where I will receive a small commission if you purchase through them at no cost to you. I was given access to Foreign Language for Kids by Kids programs for six months free of charge in exchange of writing honest reviews. All opinions in this post are my own. 

Do you want your child to learn Spanish? Is your child taught a foreign language at school currently or do you wish he or she was now? Hazel's school is a classical school and it teaches Latin to the students. Since it is such a small school, they do not offer any other languages. Since I took Spanish in school, I want to teach Hazel Spanish. I bought some books and CDs and won some as well as a DVD, but we have not gotten very far. Hazel can count to ten in Spanish, say hello and goodbye and knows most of her colors. The truth is even though I was in honors Spanish from seventh grade until eleventh I don't remember everything and do not know the best way to teach it by myself. Luckily along came Foreign Language for Kids by Kids

This program is on the computer. The child and parent watch videos together. We have done the first lesson several times. It includes four videos. They introduce the videos as in-flight entertainment in a flight to Peru. They also discuss how the videos will be in Spanish and that at first they will be hard to understand but with more time spent watching them the viewer will begin to learn the language. 

At first we only watched the first video of the first lesson. There are four videos in the first lesson. The story is about a typical day in a family with three boys. The first lesson is about breakfast or desayuno. The story introduces several words in conversation. The large dog's name is Grande and the small one is named Pequeño. When there is a saying that needs to be figured out the video goes to a little tangent showing more about the saying. Here is the little side show for learning gracias and de nada. One of the things I love is that she does not have to go by my pronunciation of the words since pronunciation has never been my strongest point in any language. The videos say the words very clearly and repeat them so she really has a chance to hear them and repeat them herself.

If it is just a word they will pause in the action to show the word and repeat it with the picture. The story throughout the four parts is entertaining and rather humorous. Hazel really enjoys watching them and we always end up laughing at them. After the fourth time of watching the videos we checked out the Workbook.  The workbook has on-line crosswords, word finds, matching of pictures to their Spanish words, word scrambles, and more. They review many of the words introduced in the video as well as being able to spell the words. They also help with story comprehension and quizzing a bit of the knowledge of what they got from the story and remember. Then there are pages about Peru and also some Spanish idioms (after an explanation and examples of English idioms). After doing all twenty-four pages, the viewer will be ready for the end of the lesson quiz which is provided on-line. 

We are having so much fun with the lessons and Hazel is feeling like she is really learning Spanish. I cannot wait to see what the second lesson brings!! This is the perfect program for us since it does not require too much time a day (she is tired after a day of school) and learning is fun! I hope you will check it out. 

I love how simple the videos make learning the language. The more times we watch each video the more of the words Hazel seems to really remember and get the story line. 

Some other posts about Spanish lessons we have tried are:

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