Patriot Day

Today I am going to just say a prayer and a thank you. Thirteen years ago a tragedy rocked our world. I remember that morning so well and still get chills thinking about it. Although I was not there or even near there and no one I knew personally was injured, the day changed my life. It is a memory I do not share with Hazel. I am thankful I do not have to yet. She is too young to understand--we are all too young to understand. So today I say thank you to all the emergency workers who risked their lives that day and every day and to their families. So thank you to our police officers, fire fighters, EMTs and to all who did something to help another. The blessing in such a tragedy is to see how as a country we step in and help and care. In our society where everyone seems to only look out for themselves, a tragedy like this unites us and puts us back into a place where it is about others. With that I offer this prayer on this sad day.
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Dear God, Please help us move past the wars and fighting to find the peace we all want and You desire for us. Please be with all the families who lost someone during the horrific events eleven years ago. Provide them with your love and care and peace of knowing loved ones are with You now. Please watch over all the people who were injured that day--both physically and emotionally. Be with each one to help strengthen him/her. Please also, God, help the terrorists who caused these horrific events understand that this is not the way to get what they want. Please help them learn about your love and peace. Finally God, please watch over all the firefighters, police officers, EMTs, and armed forces who risk their lives every day for the safety of our country. Please bless America and all of your children. Amen.

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