Around the World in 12 Dishes: Iceland--Skonsur

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This month starts a new season of Around the World in 12 Dishes! One of the biggest changes is that we are trying to all post on the third Monday of the month and Around the World in 12 Dishes has its own blog with an intro to the country also being posted on the third Monday of the month. I wrote this month's introduction, so be sure to check it out. I will not be sharing about the country here since it is already on the blog for Around the World with 12 Dishes

Our first stop this year is Iceland! Now my sister happened to travel to Iceland this summer, so I have a few of her pictures to share with you! It looks so beautiful there. It makes it hard to believe its name is Iceland, however having read a bit about it, the country was named after an explorer spent a tough winter there. 

When looking for a recipe from Iceland, I discovered it was not going to be easy for us. Their main foods seem to be fish (Steve and I don't like it) and lamb (we don't like lamb either). However I found this great site full of Icelandic recipes.  I showed the recipes to Hazel, well I read the English names to her and let her pick one. She decided on the Skonsur or the thick pancakes/pan-fired bread. 

The recipe was in grams and milliliters, so I pulled out our scale to measure the dry ingredients. Hazel measured the flour for me. I am converting the recipe into cups since that is what we usually use.

Skonsur (adapted from Jo's Icelandic Recipes

  • 2 cups whole wheat flour
  • 4 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1/4 cup butter or margarine, melted
  • 1 cup milk (we needed a bit more)
  • 2 eggs 
Mix the dry ingredients together. Add the eggs and melted butter and stir. Thin with the milk. Stir until smooth.

Pour on a greased skillet and fry on both sides at low temperature. Cakes should be like thick pancakes.

Serve cold with any kind of topping that is good with bread.

Hazel helped with the cooking, but the batter was so thick it was hard to get into the pan. While they were still warm, Hazel and I split one to taste. It tasted pretty much like our normal pancakes, but a bit different. Then we made sandwiches with them for lunch.

Steve made a sandwich the next day and liked them as well. Overall a success!

We also have been reading books about Iceland. I shared these in the introduction post, but will share them here as well.

Hazel has been asking if we can do this for every country around the world, so stay tuned. Oh and she wants to do every state as well. We may be busy with this idea. 

Around the World in 12 Dishes is hosted by the following amazing blogs!!

Around the World in 12 Dishes also has a Facebook page and a Google+ community page, feel free to like/join them, too, while you’re there.

For this month's Iceland you can print the placemat and passport pages. Then you can check out all these great recipes and feel free to add one if you have cooked any Icelandic recipe or done a craft! Also here is the cover for the passport for Season 3!

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