Resurrection Garden

This year I wanted to try making a resurrection garden with Hazel. I had seen one last year and pinned--or thought I had then searched again for it and pinned one this year. The one I found is from Raising Little Disciples.

So to make this we used a relatively flat large circular pot (I had bought a terracotta saucer, but couldn't find it), soil, rocks (we used small ones), a small clay pot to be the tomb, a rock to cover the opening, some sticks and string to make crosses, seeds--grass and flowers.

To start we filled the flat pot with soil and placed the small tomb one. Then put the small rocks down as a path. I also tried to get some soil (and seeds) on top of the tomb. Unfortunately with watering it didn't stay well. Then we planted some grass seeds and flower seeds. Then we made three crosses from sticks we picked up in our yard and put them behind the tomb.

When we had our one nice spring day in between snowstorms, we found a rock on our nature walk.  Our grass needs cutting and some of the flowers are getting their leaves at least. I cannot wait to see what it looks like on Easter morning. Hazel loved making and loves checking it to see the growth. It is such a wonderful way to prepare for Easter and remember the true meaning of the holiday.


  1. My son would love this! We planted a few pansies to put on our kitchen table for the holidays, but I bet he would enjoy watching the grass grow!

  2. What a great centerpiece idea for the dining table; pinning this for next year! :) You are a Featured Favorite on Saturday Show & Tell at Cheerios and Lattes this week, thanks for joining us last week, we love having you! Can't wait to see what you've been up to this week!
    Mackenzie :)

  3. Your resurrection garden is beautiful! Thanks for sharing this with us last week at Eco-Kids Tuesday!!

  4. Love your ideas! How long does it grass grow? Thinking about doing for kids in church

    1. Lillie, it takes a couple of weeks depending on the grass type.


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