A Wonderful Winter Book--Red Sled

Today is just a quick post about a new book we have discovered, Red Sled by Lita Judge. It is a fairly new book, however the illustrations remind you of much older books. The only words in the book are sounds. We liked this book so much we gave it to Hazel's teacher and her former teacher for International Book Giving Day last week.

This book is about a little boy who puts his red sled leaning against the side of his house when he goes in at night. Then a bear comes by and sees the sled. He decides to borrow it. During the night many other animals join him on his sledding adventure. Then they return the sled. The little boy notices the foot prints and wonders what happened. That night he looks out his window and joins them for their sledding adventures.

It is such a sweet book about nature and play. I love it!


  1. I've never read that one! I'll have to look for it at the library. Thanks!

  2. We are enjoying this one as well! I agree that the illustrations make it seem like a much older book, which I love. What a sweet gift for Hazel's teachers!


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