Coffee Cup Christmas Tree & More

Do you remember the coffee cup angel I shared last week? This wee we made a coffee cup Christmas tree. Well, I made mine out of a Starbucks Venti cup and Hazel used a styrafoam cone that I had. Our first step was to cover it with green construction paper. I did this so if we missed any spots it would not be obvious. Then I made the top into a point for both of us since neither the cup nor the "cone" went to a point.
Then we glued on some green squares of tissue paper and we also used red, yellow and white ones as decorations. Hazel and I had different ideas of this. Here is how hers came out without any help from me on the decorating.
However when she saw my yellow star, she asked me to make her one as well. So I did. 
We also painted the wooden ornaments today and she painted the other side of the stars.
My favorite one that she painted is this star. Maybe I can get her to give it to me for Christmas.

I also made some more felt ornaments. Very simple ones really. I cut felt circles out (tracing the top of a container) and then decorated with more felt cut as holly leaves, poinsettia petals, and the nativity. For the dots I used a hole punch on my felt.
Well that is some of what we have been up to today. What have you been doing?


  1. Your tree is adorable! I love that you were able to recycle the cup.

  2. So cute, thanks for sharing on Super Sweet Saturday.


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