Lavender Fairy & Bedtime routine

Continuing with our fairies of late, meet Lavender Fairy. We light a lavender candle most nights at bedtime. It stays lite while Hazel gets dressed and we read our three bedtime books and I tell her a made up story. One of my made up stories was about Lavender Fairy who always brings calm and relaxation wherever she goes. When we blow out the candle we thank the Lavender Fairy for her relaxing scent. 
I made this little Lavender Fairy using felt, purple beads and stuffed her hat with dried lavender, so she smells of her scent as well. Needless to say, Hazel loves having her to play with the Mushroom Fairy of the earlier post.

Tomorrow I will share some of our nature crafts from all the treasures we have collected on our nature walks!!


  1. I just have to say are a fantastic mommy! I LOVE to see all the things you do with your sweet little one, it inspires me to try and do more with my crazy brood ;) Thanks for all the great ideas!!

  2. That is one adorable fairy! I love your bedtime routine, sounds so loving and calming.

  3. What a great idea, and a lucky girl to have a creative mom. Thanks for linking up on Super Sweet Saturday.

  4. Thanks again for linking up to Waldorf Wednesday!

  5. How sweet. :) I love that you tell her a made up story before bed. Thanks for sharing with The Sunday Showcase.


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