Play Dough Day 2 And Mixing Colors with Ice


This morning when we got up, Hazel asked to play with her play dough again (click here to see yesterday or day one of our play dough pledge play). I had put most of it in the refrigerator since I knew the Jello play dough had to be kept in it. I had left the cloud dough out. The oatmeal play dough was hard to work with after being in the refrigerator. It may be because I made it a bit dry since I didn't want it to be so sticky. First we played with the cloud dough. (I think I could have used more oil in this recipe.)
We had the dinosaur and llama walk in the cloud dough with some shells, sea glass, glitter added in. I also made a few mounds. Hazel liked this and made prints with the animals.
She got pretty bored with the cloud dough and wanted to make cookies again. She pulled out some of her press tools and tried them out.
She made a circle with the one on the left and made different ones with the bigger one that she is using in this picture.
She continued to play and I went to make us some breakfast and get a few things done. Then she got bored.

After breakfast we decided to try an experiment that Meaningful Mama shared in last week's Sharing Saturday.(I finally got through my half as promised.) The experiment is color mixing with ice. After reading it, I went and made the colored ice cubes. This morning I pulled them out and gave Hazel some glasses of warmish water. She had a great time mixing the colors. She was excited she could take the ice cubes out of the tray herself as well!

I suggested she put a red and yellow ice cube in the first glass.
And of course she said it made orange. Our colors seemed to mix almost instantly. Maybe I used too much food coloring in the ice cubes. For the second glass I suggested red and blue.
First she said it was blue but then realized it was turning to purple. For the third glass I suggested blue and yellow.
She of course recognized the green right away. Next we mixed one of each: red, blue and yellow. I hoped she would remember it would make brown from our paint mixing experiments. I'm not sure that she remembered but she figured it out pretty quickly.
Then she had two more glasses of water and several ice cubes left so she started making different combinations (two reds, one yellow and one blue). She came up with two shades of brown.
Then she mixed different amounts of red and blue together and got a slightly different shade of purple.
After all this she had rainbow fingers. Yes, the food coloring does stick to your fingers since the ice melts in your hands. But it came off in her bath, so it was not a problem. She also asked if we could do it again some time.

This is where I share...


  1. What fun activities! I've had cloud dough on my 'to-do list' for awhile, must get to it :-) And the ice experiments look great!

  2. Love those ice discoveries - you came up with some great colours (ours usually end up 'preschool purple' = sludgy brown!)

    Thanks for stopping by The Sunday Showcase, hope to see you again this week!



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