Valentine Day Painting

Today we did a lot of painting. Last week we bought some t-shirts to do an idea I saw in Family Fun Magazine (a great magazine for craft ideas). Yesterday we picked up the fabric paint and sponge brushes and I pulled out the doilies that I bought at the Dollar Tree. We had fun doing this.

Hazel's t-shirt
It is very easy. Lightly apply glue stick to the back of a heart shaped doily and place on the t-shirt. Then put some fabric paint into a small dish and use a sponge applicator to stencil the paint on through the holes of the doily.
Then peel off the doily and let dry or follow instructions on paint for setting. The paint we used said to let it sit for four hours and it could be washed inside out in 72 hours.
The paint be used--the white wasn't white enough since it was more clear with glitter.
We went one step further and applied some of the paint onto rubber stamps to decorate the center heart. And on mine I used two different size doilies (and originally I was going to do one as white and one as red).
My t-shirt
Hazel helped me paint my t-shirt as well. I had trouble finding toddler sized long sleeve t-shirts that did not have something on them whether a print or ruffles, etc. so these are short sleeved and we will where something under them or over them. Hazel wants to wear hers tomorrow. If she does I'll get a picture.

Then we did some resist painting. We started with snowflakes and then did a heart with an H in it (see the top). Hazel had fun with it.
Our snowflakes
Then I had bought a Melissa and Doug sweetheart bead set on clearance awhile ago. So we then made some necklaces.

This is the one Hazel made for me. The one I made I put on her, so she gave me hers. The last string is for Daddy's. She decided to do that one tomorrow. I'm not sure how Daddy will like it, but she will have fun doing it. She also told me when we were wearing them that we could pretend they are our crosses since we usually where cross necklaces.

So that is our crafting of today. Now I get a short break with a babysitter and I have a bunch of things to do on the computer--things for the stewardship committee at church, install my new removable drive to move my pictures and music (well mostly Steve's music) and figure out Steve's Christmas gift which will take tapes and store them onto the computer so you can burn cds. He has lots of mix tapes that he is missing now that he only has a cd player in his car. So that is my day. Hope you are having a great one!!


  1. Great idea! Love how they turned out. :)

  2. Your crafts looked like fun Carrie. That t-shirt idea is great. I've never seen one painted like that. I would have never thought to use the glue stick to make it stick. Nice thinking outside the box. Seeing your Valentines shirt has got me thinking about some ideas I want to make with my girls. We've never done our own shirts before. Thanks for the inspiration.


  3. Your t-shirts look great! We've been doing some t-shirt crafting too (yet to post about it), but want to do some more, so we might try this idea out :-)

  4. Great Idea! thanks for sharing!

  5. Boy, looks like you had a really fun day! I saw that doily idea in Family Fun and was curious how it would turn out when a 'real person' did it vs the magazine photos. It looks great! Glad you got to do such fun crafts; thanks for sharing at Shine on Fridays!


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