Exciting day here...small craft to share

Well we went back to school today. We also made a step forward in potting training again (finally!!). She was almost completely trained this summer and then decided she didn't want to be a big girl and wanted to wear diapers. I appeased her thinking it would last a week at most. Four months later, we finally have taken a step forward. She used the toilet by force and had success and wanted her big girl panties back on. We'll see how it goes. We made a huge deal out of it, so hopefully it will stick this time.

Before going to school we did a quick craft that I have seen everywhere. We painted the popsicle sticks the other day and finally got around to making our snowflakes.


  1. Very cute! I hope things go well this time (and stick) with potty training!

  2. This is a great idea. Thank you for sharing. I'm a new gfc follower from the mingle with us hop. I would love for you to stop by my blog too. Have a great day.


  3. Thanks for linking up on momstown arts and crafts!


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