Monday = Preparations

Today is one of those days I'm suppose to be able to relax, but with Christmas this week, I'm running around trying to get things done. Hazel is over at my mother-in-law's for the day. We went to the post office this morning and mailed the last of our gifts including this felt dragon that I finished last night. I got the pattern from the most recent Living Crafts Magazine. An excellent magazine for anyone who likes to do handwork and all natural crafts.

Our other craft was to make a gingerbread train. We had bought a kit at the grocery store. I thought it would be fun to decorate and do something besides a house and a person. Hazel likes trains. We have a train set downstairs for her and Steve to play with. (I think Steve might like them a bit more still, but we are working on it.)

Letting it dry
Well we started it, but had a few problems. Every time we went to decorate, the sides would cave in. So after several tries and refrosting it together, we decided to let it dry a bit.

We also decided not to take it out of the easy assembly tray, so our wheels are a bit on the high side. Our fun was decorating--Hazel really likes putting the candies on and playing with the frosting, so that was my main goal.

It came out rather cute though. I'm happy with it! Daddy even came to help us with the finishing touches (and to sample the candy).

Now I'm off to wrap gifts and organize everything. Wrapping will involve getting a cat off the wrapping paper first. Hmmm....oh, well. Hope you are having a wonderful Monday!


  1. I love your dragon, I enjoy Living Crafts magazine as well, the dragon project looks like it would be fun! The Gingerbread train looks like fun too!

  2. You dragon looks great and I have made a few in my time I can tell you. Great job :)

  3. The dragon is fantastic!!! And your train is cute :-) We'll be starting to make our gingerbread house tonight. Hope things calm down a bit for you, I actually woke up feeling a bit panicky about what needs to be done and sent - but getting on top of things now :-)

  4. Thank you for your comments! I am so happy when my ideas are featured :)

    I think we'll try gingerbread train next year. Boogie would just eat all the ingredients if we tried it this year and believe me, that is the last thing we need around here!

  5. Cute dragon and I love the train as well.

    Thanks for sharing on Monday Madness.


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