Christmas Dress

Today we had an appointment at our local Sears for a photo with Santa. It was a great deal, for $9.99 you could get an appointment window and get photos taken with Santa and receive one sheet. When you go pick up your photos (in a few weeks) there will be an offer of more sheets and the session cd for $20 (or something like that). It sounded good. Since we already took Christmas pictures two weeks ago, (Hazel in her red Christmas dress in front of a tree background), I thought I would make her a different dress so we could use both pictures on our Christmas card. Hazel is still very afraid of Santa (as she is most men besides Daddy and Pop (my father)), so we took a family shot with Santa and Daddy standing behind me sitting holding Hazel. She of course was in tears at first. Then when we got her to stop it took a bit to get her to look at the camera. And eventually we got maybe one or two shots of her looking at the camera. Who knows how the rest of us will look.

Anyway, back to my dress. So awhile ago I bought some flannel in an almost Christmas pattern to make something for Hazel. By something, I figured either a dress or pajamas. It would be Christmasy with out being so Christmasy that she couldn't wear it other times. Well last night I cut out the dress. Today I spent most of my day sewing (well except when Hazel and I went out with a friend to run errands this morning). I had Hazel try the dress on after her nap right before I hemmed it. I made it big so she could grow into it since she seems to keep growing and growing and grow out of clothes so fast. (She has grown over three inches since her last birthday--Dec. 31st--the doctor's office told me her growth should slow down this year--not correct!) So I quickly hemmed her dress so we could leave for our appointment. I basically finished it just in time. And my dear daughter refused to wear it. UGH!! She loved having it on when she tried it on, but then wouldn't put it on again. It drove me crazy. Now remember I'm fighting the virus she had so I really wanted to sleep when she was napping, but no, I sewed the dress to get it done. And then she won't wear it. Why do I bother?

Anyway, now she has a flannel dress to wear sometime. Hopefully I will get her into it. Otherwise it will probably be the last dress I make for her.

We haven't done too many crafts together this week. Mostly because we have both been sick. I started a paper chain that I'm hoping she will help me with. So I saw this idea on Pinterest--it originally came from To Be Charmed. I chose to use red, green and white construction paper so we can hang it on our handmade ornament Christmas tree. It is relatively easy. You need to buy the Martha Stewart lace paper punch. (Note: this link is to provide a picture but is not an endorsement for the seller.) I bought mine at Joann's with a 40% off coupon. I have to say I'm not too impressed with it since it seemed to have issues after a few punches, but maybe it just doesn't like construction paper. Then just glue them into joining rings. I think Hazel will be able to help once we take the time to do it.

1 comment:

  1. A lacey punched paper chain is such a pretty idea! I love it.


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